The famed and revered rosh yeshiva from Ger, HaGaon HaRav Shaul Alter shlit”a, graced his kehilla and yidden on the East Coast at large with a visit to the United States that spanned from Thursday until Monday evening. Throughout the trip, the rosh yeshiva met one-on-one with literally thousands of his chasidim and admirers, and inspiring tens of thousands of others who came to Boro Park to hear his wisdom. Thursday: Rav Shaul shlit”a landed at JFK Airport early Thursday morning and was immediately greeted by throngs of chasidim at the airport’s Terminal 4, before heading to Boro Park for shacharis in the massive tent erected ahead of his arrival on 18th Avenue. Following shacharis, the rosh yeshiva visited several mosdos, including Talmud Torah Yagdil Torah, Yeshiva L’Tzeirim, and Kollel Aveicheim. He also visited the leader of the kehilla in the United States, Harav Moshe Fogel shlit”a, at his home in Boro Park. On Thursday evening, Rav Shaul shlit”a participated in a hachnosas sefer torah from the home of philanthropist Pinchos Yeret on 17th and 59th to the tent on 18th Avenue, where the sefer torah was used throughout the weekend. The sefer torah will now be placed in the new yeshiva k’tana. The seuda celebrating the new sefer torah was held in Ateres Golda. Friday: Following shacharis at 7:30 am, Rav Shaul shlit”a spent most of his day meeting with members of the kehillah, providing them with guidance, advice, and chizzuk. Over the course of the weekend, the rosh yeshiva met one-on-one with anyone from the kehilla who wished to speak to him. Shabbos: Shabbos Parshas Chayei Sarah with the rosh yeshiva attracted between 13,000 and 20,000 people clamoring to hear from the esteemed rosh yeshiva and to gain from his insight, wisdom, and mastery of Torah. On Motzei Shabbos, a private Melava Malka was held for prominent donors to assist with fundraising for the various mosdos under Rav Shaul shlit”a’s leadership. Sunday: Besides for meetings with his kehilla, the rosh yeshiva delivered a powerful and widely attended shiur klali in the tent, imparting his wisdom about the topics of chinuch and hashkafa, leaving attendees invigorated and ready to accept their challenges relating to the topics discussed. On Sunday night, a grand dinner was held to benefit Rav Shaul’s mosdos in Eminence Hall, bringing hundreds of thousands of dollars. Monday: The rosh yeshiva again spent the majority of his day meeting with members of the kehilla before going back to the airport with an entourage and departing to Eretz Yisroel. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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