The blowback over former President Donald Trump’s meeting with two virulent antisemites – rapper Kanye West and white nationalist Nick Fuentes – appears to be growing, with a number of his allies beginning to publicly criticize him. Frum conservative commentator Ben Shapiro tweeted: “A good way not to accidentally dine with a vile racist and anti-Semite you don’t know is not to dine with a vile racist and anti-Semite you do know.” Shapiro was reacting to Trump’s defense of the meeting, in which he said that he only invited Kanye and that the rapper brought along people he claims not to know. Jeremy Boering, Shapiro’s confounder at the conservative Daily Wire, wrote: “Teaming up with Milo and Fuentes puts to rest any “it doesn’t make you an antisemite just to criticize a Jewish person” defense of Ye. No, it doesn’t. And also Ye is an antisemite who just assembled an antisemite dream team. Tragic.” Dov Hikind released a video addressing the meeting and wrote on Twitter: “If @realDonaldTrump welcomes vicious & unrepentant antisemites like Kanye and his strange neo-Nazi bedfellow Nick Fuentes to Mar a Lago, we could expect more and worse if Trump were in the WH again! All that because they say nice things about the former president. #Disqualified” Chris Christie, a former Trump ally who has become critical of the 45th president more recently, blasted the ex-president over the meeting. “This is just another example of an awful lack of judgment from Donald Trump, which, combined with his past poor judgments, make him an untenable general election candidate for the Republican Party in 2024,” Christie said. “[Trump] can’t stand not having attention all the time. And so, having someone show up at his club — even if you believe that he didn’t know who Nick Fuentes was — and want to sit with him, feeds the hunger he feels for the attention he’s missing since he left the presidency,” he added. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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