A clearly fed-up New York City Mayor Eric Adams went on a blistering rant against Bill de Blasio and members of his administration over their constant criticism of his performance as mayor, saying that he was left by de Blasio with a city “in total disarray.” “They had eight years to do their job. Eight years to fix Rikers. Eight years to deal with crime. Eight years to deal with education. Eight years to do early childhood education for children with disabilities. Eight years to fix NYCHA,” Adams said. “They had all the time to do their job. No! No! But they are now — once they’re gone — they’re experts on everything. And when you look through the last 12 months and you see how many times they have interfered, that’s not acceptable.” Adams said that members of other previous administrations, including those from the Bloomberg, Dinkins, and Giuliani tenures have reached out to him to ask how they could help. De Blasio’s, in contrast, has done nothing but criticize him over things they themselves didn’t fix. “But we have the previous administration that just left the house! They just left! They left the house in total disarray!” he said. “And then they come and say, ‘Look at the mess…that you created, Eric.’ No! It’s the mess we inherited. “So, all I’m saying: Let us do our job, the way you had an eight-year opportunity to do your job. And that’s all of them.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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