In a recent interview with Fox News’ Mark Levin, former US President Donald Trump spoke regarding the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic. Trump shifted from blaming China’s incompetence for the virus to suggesting that the Chinese government intentionally released the virus to sabotage his reelection campaign in 2020. During the interview, Trump expressed frustration that he did not receive enough credit for his administration’s handling of the pandemic. He then claimed that he was one of the first people to suggest that the virus may have originated from a lab leak in China. Trump then went on to suggest that China may have intentionally released the virus in order to retaliate against his administration’s heavy-handed economic policy. He implied that China wanted him out of office and that the tariffs and taxes he imposed on China could have been a motivating factor behind the virus’s release. “Nobody knew what it was. We heard stories, China, I was probably the first one. I said it came from the lab in Wuhan. I knew that. For one thing, you saw body bags all over the place around that lab. There were body bags all over that area, and nobody talks about it. But in Wuhan, you had, through satellite pictures and other things, you had pictures of body bags all over the place. And you could see little lines, you know, from way up, but they couldn’t be anything else. But I said, and I’ve said right from the beginning, it was the lab in Wuhan. It got out. It got out of the lab. I think it was incompetence, I really believe it was incompetence. “People said I was charging China so much money in tariffs and taxes and a lot of people said they did it to get me out.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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