During the routine White House press briefing on Wednesday, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby found himself at a loss for words when a reporter from the New York Post, Steven Nelson, confronted him with a direct inquiry about President Biden’s integrity. The exchange unfolded while Kirby was addressing queries pertaining to foreign policy matters. “There have been many developments in the House investigations into the first family’s international business dealings recently,” Nelson said, referencing Republican probes into the Biden family. “So what do you say to the majority of Americans who believe that the president is himself corrupt?” Nelson asked. “Wow,” Kirby said, shaking his head. Following an uncomfortably long pause, Kirby found his words. “The president has spoken to this and there’s nothing to these claims. And as for the whistleblower issue that you talked about and in the document — I believe the FBI has spoken to that, and you’re going to have to go to them on that,” he said. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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