Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt finally asked the pressing question that nobody seems to want to confront: How will Trump be able to run for president effectively if he’s on trial? “How are you going to make these points, Mr. President, if you’re in trial?” Hewitt asked Trump directly. “I think the first trial is scheduled for March. The Atlanta trial is going to be televised. It’s going to be a mess. How are you going to be able to campaign and make these points if you’re sitting behind a defendant’s table in a courtroom?” Trump’s answer was, essentially, “we hope the cases magically go away.” “Well, we’ll be asking for many dismissals of many of these fake cases,” Trump responded. “Look, these cases were brought by Biden. These are campaign cases. Nobody’s done it except in banana republics. These aren’t cases. These are cases that were brought by political opponents. Nobody’s ever seen anything like it. The public gets it. That’s why I’m beating him by so much, and it’s why I’m beating every Republican by so much, among other things, to be honest, because we had a great, we had a great run as president.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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