President Joe Biden’s campaign has unveiled its initial advertisement taking direct aim at former President Donald Trump in the run-up to the 2024 presidential showdown. Dubbed “Delivers,” this 30-second advertisement, slated for national cable broadcasting and local TV channels in Michigan, critiques Trump on several fronts. These include his tax strategies, the shutting down of manufacturing plants, and purportedly unfulfilled job restoration pledges. Highlighting the inconsistency between Trump’s promises and actions, the advertisement comments, “He says he stands with autoworkers but as president, Donald Trump passed tax breaks for his rich friends while automakers closed their plants, and Michigan faced a decline in manufacturing jobs. Contrastingly, manufacturing in Michigan is witnessing a revival because Joe Biden doesn’t merely promise; he delivers.” Kevin Munoz, a spokesperson for the Biden campaign, emphasized Trump’s track record, stating, “More empty promises in Michigan or elsewhere cannot overshadow Donald Trump’s glaring failures and unkept pledges to America’s labor force. His record of being anti-labor and anti-jobs is evident to numerous American workers who felt abandoned.” This advertisement’s release coincided with President Biden’s solidarity visit to United Auto Workers picketing at a General Motors facility in Michigan. Addressing the striking workforce, Biden underscored the significance of the middle class and unions, proclaiming, “Wall Street didn’t build the country. The middle class built the country. Unions built the middle class.” He further rallied the workers, saying, “Let’s keep pushing forward; you’ve earned what’s due to you, and deserve much more than your current compensation.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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