A pair of antisemitic thugs terrorized multiple yeshiva students on Wednesday evening, prompting investigations from the NYPD and Boro Park Shomrim. The first incident occurred at around 7 PM at 18th Avenue and 61st Street, when two Middle Eastern-looking males chased yeshiva boys, forcing them run. They promptly phoned Boro Park Shomrim, whose members quickly responded to the scene. Just minutes later, Shomrim received another call describing the same two individuals chasing a separate group of boys at 16th Avenue and 61st Street, and then a third similar incident – which can be viewed below – came in around 30 minutes after that from 18th Avenue and 54th Street, and a stunning fourth incident occurred another thirty minutes later at 17th Avenue and 59th Street. Boro Park Shomrim is actively looking for the as-of-yet unidentified suspects. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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