Former senator and current MSNBC commentator Claire McCaskill labeled Donald Trump “more dangerous” than some of history’s most infamous dictators, including Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. “A lot of people have tried to draw similarities between [Benito] Mussolini and [Adolf] Hitler and the use of the terminology like ‘vermin’ and the drive that those men had towards autocracy and dictatorship,” McCaskill said. “The difference, though, I think makes Donald Trump even more dangerous, and that is he has no philosophy he believes in.” The comparison stems from a post by Trump over the Veterans Day weekend, in which he referred to his political adversaries as “vermin.” This rhetoric led some leftist analysts to draw comparisons to Adolf Hitler. However, McCaskill highlighted that Trump’s brand of authoritarianism is distinct. She pointed out that unlike leaders such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is engaged in international conflicts like the one in Ukraine, Trump’s ambitions seem more self-centered. “All he wants … is to look in the mirror and see a guy who’s president,” McCaskill said. “All he cares about is selfish self-promotion. That’s the only philosophy he has. Which makes him even more dangerous.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)