The New York Times in a new reports highlights President Biden’s concerning lack of popularity among young voters, even in a potential rematch with former President Donald Trump. According to New York Times chief political analyst Nate Cohn, “Virtually every poll shows a close race between Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump among young voters,” not just recent New York Times polling. Cohn went on to say, “To many of our readers and others, it’s a little hard to believe — so hard to believe that it seems to them the polls are flat-out wrong.” He added, “In our polling, the problem for Mr. Biden isn’t too few young Democrats. It’s that many young Democrats don’t like him.” Breaking down the numbers, Cohn pointed out that “Mr. Biden has just a 76-20 lead among young voters either registered as Democrats or who have previously voted in a Democratic primary.” He noted, “It’s just a 69-24 lead among young nonwhite Democrats. The dissent exists among self-identified Democrats, Democratic-leaners, Biden ’20 voters, and so on.” Cohn acknowledged that this level of intraparty dissent is unusual but not unprecedented, citing examples from previous polls. He argued that Biden’s unpopularity with young voters is “fairly straightforward to explain,” citing reasons such as concerns about his age and criticism of his handling of the Israel-Hamas war. Cohn pointed out that Biden’s struggles with young voters were not limited to the 2024 presidential race but had been a longstanding issue. He also noted Trump’s gains among nonwhite voters, who are disproportionately young, as a significant factor in the political landscape. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)