Rav Chanoch Henach Eiges of Vilna, author of Marcheshes. Learned under Rav Alexander Moshe Lapidus at his Kollel in Rassein.
Rav Yaakov Koppel Chassid, the chazzan of the Baal Shem Tov and founder of the Kosov and Vizhnitz dynasties (1787). Born in Kolomaya, Ukraine, he was able to trace his family-tree through his father, Rav Nechemyah Feivel, back to the Baalei Tosfos of Provence and beyond, to Dovid HaMelech. His most famous work, Shaar Gan Eden, was printed posthumously in 1854.He also wrote a kabbalist commentary on the Siddur Kol Yaakov, printed in 1859, based on the nusach of the Arizal, and a kabbalistic commentary on the Haggadah. Some of his Torah ideas are quoted by his son, Rav Menachem Mendel of Kosov, in his sefer, Ahavas Shalom.
Today in History – 15 Elul
· Jews of Palma were massacred, 1391.
· The right to public worship is denied to the Jews of New York because freedom of religion applied to Christians only, 1685. (44 years – almost to the day – later, the foundation was laid for the first shul in New York (and all of North America.)
· Russiaunder the anti-Semitic Nicholas I decrees the 25-year draft of Jewish boys between the ages of twelve and twenty-five, 1827. This became known as the infamous Cantonists decree. For the next thirty years, approximately seventy thousand Jews, fifty thousand of whom were children, were forced into the military and many were tortured until they agreed to be baptized. The decree was rescinded shortly after Nicholas I’s death on Purim 1855.
· Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat sign the Camp David agreement giving back all the Sinai to Egypt, 1978.
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