This week there was a video clip circulating of a visibly agitated Yid, publicly protesting a deliberate modification found in the pages of the responsa of Maran Harav Moshe Feinstein ZT”L. The video went viral and outraged many, while others silently gloated as the changes, or lack thereof, was consistent with their respective narratives. YWN initially shared in the outrage as well, as this appeared to be an invasion of the Holy of Hollies and a blatant act to desecrate the sacred works of the Gadol Hador. However, before rushing to judgement and conclusions, YWN opted to dispatch our investigative team to explore and inspect the content with the hopes of uncovering the truth. On Wednesday evening, 22 Teves 5784 (January 3rd 2024) Parshas Shemos, a Shiur on “Various Shailos in Hilchos Tefilin” was given by Harav Leibel Wulliger Shlit”a, Rosh Kollel of Torah V’Daas and Rav of Khal Ohr Torah, for the amazing organization Irgun Shiurei Torah. Towards the end of the dazzling Shiur, Rav Wulliger prefaces his words by saying that he would to share something interesting, and that he had made copies of Rav Moshe’s Teshuvos for illustration. It seems that the Rav had handed out copies of the Teshuvos to the attendees, and proceeded to say that one of Teshuvos was printed in Bnei Brak and the other was printed in New York. The Teshuva that was being analyzed can be found in Igros Moshe Orach Chaim, volume four, Siman 9 and was written to Rav Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Rav Wulliger marveled at the glowing titles of reverence that Rav Moshe addressed the Rebbe with, and mentioned that the Teshuva discusses the Minhag of wearing Tefilin of Rabeinu Tam, and the Rebbe’s offer to have a pair written for Rav Moshe. Rav Wulliger then noted that in the Bnai Brak edition of the Igros Moshe, the Teshuva concluded with Rav Moshes heartfelt thanks for the offer, and request that they be written beautifully, specifically in Ksav Bais Yosef, (signed) Moshe Feinstein. He then pulled out the New York edition of the Igros Moshe, and read that Rav Moshe had signed off the Teshuva with the following words: והנני גומר בברכה שנזכה בקרוב לביאת הגואל אשר מצפים אנחנו תמיד, מוקירו מאד, משה פיינשטיין / And I conclude with a blessing that we merit soon the arrival of our savior which we constantly await, with great appreciation, Moshe Feinstein. Rav Wulliger expressed his wonderment and bewilderment at the decision to remove a warm blessing from Rav Moshe to the Rebbe, and further expressed frustration as this leads people to begin questioning and doubting the authenticity of many other Teshuvos. He continued and said that he personally had received a handwritten Teshuva from Rav Moshe regarding a difficult question, and still has the original, yet when it was printed in the Igros Moshe there were some important words that were modified and changed. Rav Wulliger then segued into the topic at hand, and mentioned the next Teshuva (OC”H vol. 4 Siman 10) that discussed whether one is permitted to kiss the Tefilin Shel Rosh before placing it on his head, as it is in between the Berachos and may constitute a Hefsek. Rav Moshe refutes the proof of “Chacham Echad” that permits it, but concludes that […]