In a heated exchange on CNN Monday, former Republican Congressman Scott Taylor challenged host Anderson Cooper regarding the network’s history of promoting narratives that later proved to be false. When Cooper pressed Taylor on Trump’s claims of voter fraud in Pennsylvania, asserting that there was “no evidence” to support them, Taylor defended Trump’s stance. “The reality is there are folks who have issues with this. They want to have a safe and secure election, just like anyone, and the former president is highlighting that,” Taylor explained. Cooper responded, saying that beginning an argument by saying, “There are people who believe this,” weakens the position. “That’s like classic high school debate stuff,” Cooper argued. Taylor fired back, pointing to previous controversial stories that CNN had covered. “Anderson, with all due respect, with all due respect, then that would be the same with the Steele Dossier, Hunter Biden’s laptop, lab leak theory dismissal, Jussie Smollett, and so on and so on. On this network, be honest, I mean you guys didn’t have the facts correct there, right? And people believe those things. With all due respect.” Former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger, an anti-Trump activist who was also part of the panel, pushed back against Taylor’s comparisons, claiming that the controversies Taylor mentioned were not attempts to “overthrow an election.” Taylor countered, “Oh really, Adam? This ‘Russia, Russia’ and Hunter Biden laptop wasn’t an attempt to interfere with the election? Of course it was, you know that.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)