Ophir Testa was a Shuvu graduate. Ophir was killed on October 7th HY’D. Ophir’s mother explains that though their family was not religious, they sent Ophir to Shuvu so that he would be exposed to Jewish tradition. She says Ophir developed a love of Torah, and for his Rebbeim at Shuvu. “ I remember Ophir coming home from Shuvu with a light in his eyes. He was in love with the Torah”. L’iluy Nishmas Ophir https://www.charidy.com/shuvu/ophir After 8th grade, Ophir went to Kiryat Noar for Yeshiva high school. He grew in Torah and became a masmid, joining the army upon graduation. Ophir’s tank unit in the IDF was one of the first to go to the border on October 7th. The unit saved many people. Tragically, Ophir was killed in the fighting in Kibbutz Re’im. After Ophir was buried, his Rebbe told his mother that Ophir used to wake up at 6am each day going to learn in the Beis Medrash before davening. Ofir’s younger brother describes Ophir as his inspiration, as a Talmid Chochom and as a modest person who loved all Jews. L’iluy Nishmas Ophir https://www.charidy.com/shuvu/ophir Rav Pam zt”l, the founder of Shuvu, knew that Klal Yisroel’s future starts in the classroom. When seeing thousands of children from non-religious families learning in Shuvu, Rav Pam remarked: “We are at the closing point of Galus. Hashem [through Shuvu] you will have thousands of children to point to, to say “these are my precious children”. Ophir was one of these precious children. Hashem Yinokem Damom.