This morning, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center announced the passing of R’ Refael Mordechai Fishhof Hy”d, who had been critically wounded in a terror stabbing incident in Chadeira yesterday.
R’ Refael Mordechai, who was 35, leaves behind a wife and six children.
A name, Chaim, had been added as a zechus, but he ultimately succumbed to his wounds.
Years who, R’ Refael Mordechai had been involved in a major accident close to the yeshiva in Chadeira, leaving him in serious condition. After what was considered a miraculous recovery, he was able to resume his normal life.
R’ Refale Mordechai was a son of Rav Tzvi Shraga Fishhof, a rosh yeshiva at Beis Matisyahu and the Knesses Shmuel Yeshiva in Beitar Illit. His grandfather, Rav Nachum Emanuel Adler, was among the founders of the Ahavas Chesed Yeshiva and a noted mechanech.
Yehi zichro boruch.
{ Israel}