It is with great sadness that reports the petirah of Rav Nosson Stenitzky zt”l, rosh kollel of the Kollel Lomdei Torah Birkas Elchanan in Rechovot. He was 72.
Rav Nosson was born in 1952, a son of Rav Peretz and Mrs. Rachel Stenitzky.
In his youth, he learned at Yeshiva L’Metzuyanim under Rav Chaim Aharon Turchin.
When he reached the age for marriage, he married his wife, a daughter of Rav Yosef Yom Tov Weiss, a prominent representative of the Chareidi community in Rechovot for many years. Together, they built their home on the foundation of Torah and yiras Shomayim, with Rav Nosson dedicating his life to Torah.
Rav Nosson was an incredible talmid chochom who was proficient in every area of Torah, well-versed in Talmud Bavli and Yerushalmi, as well as in Midrashim and Kabbalah.
He authored numerous seforim, including Yad LeNesivasi, Yad LeNesivasi on Maseches Niddah, Birkas Elchanan on Maseches Berachos, Neveh LeNesivasi, Orchos Peretz, Nachal Menas, Nachal MiYamim Noraim, Nachal MeEtz HaIlan, and others.
He is survived by children and grandchildren. One of his sons is Rabbi Chaim Aharon Stenitzky, CEO of the Shiras Torah Institutions in Bnei Brak, the director of the Pardes Katz Education Program, and chairman of Beit Chazon LeDorot.
The levayahand kevurah took place in Rechovot.
The family is sitting shiva at his home at 9 Ba’al Shem Tov Street in Rechovot.
Yehi zichro boruch.
{ Israel}