Dear Matzav Inbox,
It is honestly astounding how the frum community has been swept up in the frenzy of politics, with so many putting all their energy into idolizing President Trump and obsessing over every detail of his actions. Day in and day out, there are conversations and debates about him, as if he is the key to solving our problems, as if his leadership will somehow bring geulah. It’s as if the entire focus of our community has shifted entirely to political matters, and this obsession with the goyishe world of politics has taken over, pushing aside the things that truly matter to us as Yidden.
Frankly, it’s nauseating.
We have fallen off the deep end.
Since when did we forget who we are?
We are ovdei Hashem, and our purpose in this world is not to immerse ourselves in the world of politics or to engage in the empty, often useless, debates of the secular world. We are here to serve Hashem, to learn Torah, to keep His mitzvos, and to live lives that reflect our devotion to Him. We are in golus, not in the land of freedom and prosperity that the goyim live in, and our job is to keep our eyes on the prize. But instead, what do we see? A community that is so engrossed in the political sphere that it is losing its focus on the things that matter most.
Yes, we live in a world that is difficult and full of challenges. But our job is not to place our hopes and trust in any political leader, whether it be Trump or anyone else. Our reliance should be on Hashem alone. We’ve allowed ourselves to be swept away by the winds of politics, looking to these figures to solve our problems, to fix our world, as if they are the ones who will bring us salvation. But who are we fooling? As long as we are in golus, our problems cannot be solved by any president or political leader. Only Hashem can redeem us, and only by returning to His ways will we see the true yeshuah we are waiting for.
The obsession with politics has become a plague, distracting us from our real mission. The constant chatter about Trump, Melania, Vance, their actions, their policies—it’s not just unhealthy, it’s spiritually dangerous. This is not the way of the ovdei Hashem. Instead of discussing how we can improve ourselves, our Torah learning, our commitment to mitzvos, we are consumed with the trivialities of a political game that has no place in our lives. When did the frum community decide that our hatzlacha is measured by political victories, by who holds power, and by the shifting tides of the secular world?
We’ve lost our sense of purpose, and that is truly frightening. The obsession with Trump, with politics, with the world’s affairs is pulling us further and further away from our true identity as Yidden. It’s time to wake up and realize that the more we get drawn into this world, the more we risk losing sight of what really matters. Politics will never bring us the redemption we seek.
Trump will never bring us the geulah.
I know that’s hard to swallow. Trump will never bring us the geulah.
Can you imagine? That man, who you treat as Moshiach, may hold power, but only Hashem can bring the true yeshuah that we are all waiting for.
It is not through the whims of the political world, but through a return to Torah, mitzvos, and emunah in Hashem.
What have we become? People who put on tefillin every day but whose hearts and minds are focused on the very things that should be the least of our concern? How can we be so caught up in the lives of goyim—who have no purpose but to seek fleeting, worldly success—while forgetting our own sacred role as ovdei Hashem? We should not be behaving like the world, running after empty distractions, and getting caught up in their madness. We are supposed to be different. Our job is to rise above it all, to focus on the things that matter: our relationship with Hashem, our Torah learning, our spiritual growth.
Unfortunately, we are not different at all. We’ve become just as pathetic as them. If not worse.
If we continue down this path, it will be too late. If we continue to let the noise of the world drown out Yiddishkeit, if we allow ourselves to remain so obsessed with the political theater, we will have lost our way. We will be no better than the goyim. What a tragedy that would be. Is this what we want? To be Yidden in name, but with our hearts and minds consumed by the very things that should be irrelevant to us?
Throwing Up
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