Lakewood Cheder & Bais Faiga Schools Present:
LINKSVirtual Auction
Bridging a Glorious Past with a Promising Future!

Here’s how it works!Place $180 worth of tickets in your cart 
Use Coupon Code: LINKSYou’ll pay $180and get $360 worth of tickets.Your ticket selections will then be doubled!A $720 value!
Choose some incredible prizes… you never know what you’ll win!
Split the Pot, Decorate your home, get some free groceries, perhaps some stunning diamonds, a trip to Eretz Yisrael?? Some sheitels, silver, and seforim too. 
Plus lots of other exciting items to win!
Take advantage of this deal. It’s going, going, going… gone!
Purchase your tickets here!
Virtual auction will be held on Tuesday, March 4th 2025