All are asked to daven for Rav Yosef Zev Feinstein, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Amala Shel Torah, who is in critical condition.
Several months ago, the Rosh Yeshiva was diagnosed with a serious illness, and in recent weeks, his condition has deteriorated severely. This week, as his condition worsened further, the Rebbe of Kretchnif instructed that the name Alter be added to his name, and from now on, his name for davening is Rav Alter Yosef Zev ben Shifra.
During seudah shlishis on Shabbos, his Rebbe, the Kretchnifer Rebbe, called upon all to daven on his behalf.
It was recently revealed that the Rosh Yeshiva underwent a bone marrow transplant a few weeks ago. A message sent to the yeshiva alumni prior to the procedure stated: “As is known, our esteemed Rosh Yeshiva, may he have a speedy and complete recovery, has not been feeling well recently after contracting the dreadful illness, may Hashem protect us. He is scheduled to undergo a bone marrow transplant this coming Thursday for his complete recovery. We kindly request that all the alumni of the yeshiva, who are like sons to him, and whose neshamos are deeply connected to his, daven with all their hearts and accept good kabbalos for his full recovery, Rav Yosef Zev ben Shifra, together with all the sick of Israel.”
The message continued: “May he merit to live many years in complete health and continue to raise legions of fine talmidim for Hashem and His Torah. In merit of this, may you be blessed with success in all your endeavors and experience great joy and satisfaction from your children, in good health, and an abundance of good and kindness, with happiness, all the days of your lives.”
Rav Feinstein is a son-in-law of renowned baal chesed Rav Meyer zt”l and Mrs. Rochel Rosenbaum of Lakewood.
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