It is a typical day at a Jerusalem school for special needs children, and the sounds of laughter & footsteps echo through the hallways. It is a challenging & often selfless job for those who happily choose it, and Etty Stein is no exception. With love and care, Etty wipes the tears and brings a smile to the faces of children who struggle to function in this world. Despite the strength and positivity she displays for her students however, the young teacher hides a past and a present full of tremendous pain.

When Etty’s father of blessed memory was diagnosed with cancer and ultimately passed away, his family was forever changed. Etty’s mother was left behind to raise and support 13 children alone. In the few years that have passed, the Stein children have, like Etty, involved themselves in professions so as to help their mother shoulder her immense financial burden. Indeed, selflessness is a theme which threads its way through the tapestry of Etty’s story, which is what makes its latest turn so unique: Recently, she became a kallah.

Unlike most brides, Etty must pay for her wedding expenses herself. Despite making simplicity a priority, many sums are inevitable: a basic hall, a rented dress, simple catering, supplies for sheva brachos, rent for an apartment, and furniture & appliances to furnish that apartment, elude her and her modest salary.

Putting her story out publicly means subjecting herself to vulnerability, and embarrassment. At this point, however, it is her best option. Though the internet is an open sea of those who callously deride tzedaka funds and their recipients, Etty can only pray that those familiar with the mitzvah of hachnasas kallah and its tremendous merits will find her. Those who are able to help a poor couple to build a ‘bayis ne’eman b’yisroel’ can do so here for a limited time.

Last name changed to protect the family’s privacy.

