An invitation letter in the handwriting of Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer, Av Beis Din of Pressburg and author of ‘Ksav Sofer

Urgent Appeal for a Family in Crisis
With deep sorrow, we turn to you today to share the heart-wrenching news of a tragic loss that has befallen a dear family in our community. Just days before her wedding, a young kallah lost her beloved mother, Mrs. Chava Friedel Gelbshtein, a”h, after a year-long battle with illness. This devastating loss has left the family in mourning and facing serious financial struggles.
The Struggles of the Family

Collection of Letters Sent to Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld following the Hebron Massacre of 1929

There isn’t a Jew who hasn’t heard of this giant among men, whose name and memory stir the soul, Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel of blessed memory. He was head of the Mir Yeshiva, an extraordinary genius in Torah, ethics, and leadership, a loving figure who was devoted with all his heart to the holy Torah, literally until all his strength was exhausted.

Fascinating teshuvah by Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski to a shailah posed by a Jewish doctor regarding whether it is permissible to intravenously feed a patient on Yom Kippur. This teshuvah is one of the earliest known responses to this shailah, and all poskim who followed Rabbi Chaim Ozer and dealt with this question referenced the present teshuvah. Practically, the prevalent halachic ruling is to avoid feeding a patient intravenously unless its necessary for his health.

Rav Chaim Brisker’s long letter is essentially a foundational essay on the fundamentals of preserving Judaism, in which Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik outlines the important role the rabbi carries in transmitting the ‘Daas Torah’ – both the written and transmitted tradition in its pure and unaltered form to future generations.

A lengthy letter written on both sides of the page in the holy handwriting of the saintly Admor Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar to his kehilla in Jerusalem.

Besides warm blessings for the new year, most of the letter consists of words of encouragement to his chassidim in Jerusalem urging them not to fall into the net of the State of Israel, which was then in its infancy.

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