We’re excited to announce that a generous individual, inspired by the impact of Dr. David Lieberman’s course, has made it possible for us to offer a special 30% discount for the Shalom Bayis Course.
This offer is available for the first 100 people only. Use coupon code SAVE30 at checkout to take advantage of this discount. Visit ShalomBayisCourse.com to get started.

[COMMUNICATED]Dr. Lieberman, a world-renowned expert in relationships, will teach you proven strategies to transform your marriage and resolve conflicts. Don’t miss out on this life-changing opportunity!. CLICK HERE.

Live at Auction!

‘The menahel just doesn’t get it.’
‘Why is the board constantly overriding my decisions?’
Every school is a universe unto itself.A bustling metropolis of so many moving parts and interconnected roles. The principal, the board, the administration, the teachers–a conglomeration of hearts and minds dedicated to the sole purpose of chinuch. 
What happens, though, when these parts are not in sync? When the infrastructure is not healthy at its roots?
Miscommunication, crossed wires, and conflicting opinions.What is your stance on this?Why do you choose not to respond to that issue?Who signed off on those?

Live at Auction!


Live at Auction!

Live at Auction!

Live at Auction!

Live at Auction!
