Live at Genazym Auction!

Live at Genazym Auction!

Since 1986, Tomchei Shabbos has provided basic kosher food provisions for thousands of families suffering economic distress.
Times are only getting tougher. Grocery prices are skyrocketing and we’re all feeling the pinch. 
That pinch is far more severe for many families among us. They suffer sleepless nights, racked with guilt, and dread every single trip to the grocery store.
For you, the pinch might mean debating between flanken and roast, bought dessert vs. something homemade. But for them, it means going without. It means rationing one drumstick per child, saying no to Shabbos treats, and forgoing wine for weeks on end, making do with grape juice instead. 
There is another way. 

Live at Genazym Auction!

Live at Genazym Auction!

Leah Elyashiv always knew she bore a name that carried greatness. The great-granddaughter of Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zt”l, the soft-spoken girl grew up with her family yichus being an ancestral blessing, and at the same time, a daunting reminder of the responsibility it entailed.

“I remember sitting with my great-grandfather as a child,” Leah recounts. “Though I was too young to understand the full impact of his words, I could sense the kedusha in his voice, the kindness in his eyes.”

But nothing, not even growing up in such a special environment, could have prepared her for the world-shattering tragedy that befell her: Five years ago, Leah’s mother passed away.

Live at Genazym Auction!

Several months ago, Rav Yaakov Koritz, Beit Shemesh father of 8, was happy to receive news that despite a heart attack at the age of 47, the doctors were optimistic. Though they had no food in the fridge, no money left for school tuition, they were hopeful that with a few more weeks in the hospital, Tatty would be home with the kids again.

Little did they know: He would never leave his bed again.

On the 26th of Av, just two weeks ago, Yaakov Koritz passed away.
