We Jews are all in this war together, and we need all hands on deck to help with the war efforts.

R’ Motti Fried of Saad V’Marpeh and his team are on the battlefield going between the tanks, doing their part for the war effort.

These are the scenes he’s seen:

He’s seen young injured soldiers lying exposed to enemy fire, at risk of being dragged into Gaza and enduring the horrors that captured soldiers go through. Saad V’Marpeh provided urgent transportation for 473 injured soldiers to get them out of the danger zone and prevent them from becoming crippled for life.

The war in Eretz Yisroel is having a tremendous impact on all people, especially the children. With 6,000 children enrolled in Shuvu, many from the war-affected areas of the South and North, Shuvu  staff is working overtime to provide a sense of security and stability to the children, many who have family members, including parents, fighting in the army. 
Please Help Us Help Them! 
Hear from one of Shuvu’s Children first-hand:


A Powerful Message From R’ Binyamin Finkel:

“We are dealing with a terrible tragedy. We need Rachamei Shamayim with every step we take. We need to search for ways to save ourselves and all of Klal Yisroel…Chazal say in the Gemara Sanhedrin 98b: Elazar’s students asked him, “What can a man do to be saved from the birthpangs of Mashiach?”

He answered them, “Be busy with Torah and doing chesed.”

Campaign Initiated in Response to Urgent Need of Tactical and Essential Equipment for Communities in Danger on the Front Lines


Refugees in their own country.
As families in southern Eretz Yisroel grapple with the fallout of these tragedies and the weight of displacement, lost income, and increased day-to-day expenses, they will need more than just a government stipend.

In the tumultuous backdrop of an ongoing war, a striking figure emerges: 3,846. That’s the number of ZAKA volunteers who have been confronting the chaos on the battlefield since the conflict’s inception.

ZAKA, a renowned Israeli humanitarian organization, has always been recognized for its dedicated volunteers who ensure that every Jewish individual receives a dignified burial, known as Kavod Hameis. Today, amidst the smoke and turmoil of war, their service continues to shine as a beacon of dedication and compassion.

We Need Mama Rochel’s Tears, Now More Than Ever
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Why are we hosting a Siyum now?

An Urgent Request From Gedolei Eretz Yisroel:

Dear readers,

Eretz Yisroel is in the midst of a horrific war. Thousands of families from Sderot have bee thrust into the painful reality of fleeing their homes and becoming refugees in their own homeland.

Our phones have not stopped ringing, as family after family has personally reached out to us, with nowhere else to turn. These people have left their homes. They’ve left their livelihoods. They’ve confronted horrors and dangers that are beyond words, and now they find themselves devoid of even the most basic necessities – food, blankets, toiletries.
