Tens of captured men, women and children. 
Over 700 murdered. 
Over 2000 injured.
Entire towns emptied and burned to the ground.  

Utter chaos erupted in Eretz Yisroel yesterday morning in the middle of Simchas Torah davening. 

Thousands of terrorists stormed the barricades and invaded Israel from the Gaza strip, by land and by sea. With the entire country celebrating Yom Tov the border was nearly empty of soldiers and security forces. 

URGENT! There are poor families who cannot afford food for Yom Tov!*

Please, hear the cry of your brothers and sisters in Israel and send financial help! The money raised will be distributed before Sukkos.  

Every donation to this VERIFIED cause will bring you countless zechusim and mitzvahs.

URGENT! There are poor families who cannot afford food for Yom Tov!*

Please, hear the cry of your brothers and sisters in Israel and send financial help! The money raised will be distributed before Sukkos.  

Every donation to this VERIFIED cause will bring you countless zechusim and mitzvahs.


Kinnus in the Air

A Medical Rescue in Central America 

Seventeen year-old Rivka Shotkin is an adorable, vivacious, extroverted, typical teenager. Except she’s anything but typical. She’s paralyzed from the chest down following a horrific ski accident that left her paraplegic two years ago. Yet, even so, she lights up any room she rolls into. 

As a travel enthusiast, going on trips has posed somewhat of a challenge since Rivka became wheelchair bound. Not one to quit, she planned an action-packed trip down to Panama with her sister and two friends. 

“U’teshuvah, u’tefillah, u’tzedakah, ma’avirin es roah’ hagezerah.”
Right now, all of Klal Yisroel is hovering in the precious few days between Rosh Hashona and Yom Kippur, the moments when the entire upcoming year is to be decided. Individually and collectively, there has been so much pain this past year…
We are awaiting our fate with bated breaths. There is tension in the air.


 A Letter of Thanks from a Grateful Father 

While at a camp 2000 miles from home, our 20-year-old son, Dov, faced a critical medical condition, potentially leading to Cardiac Arrest if not immediately operated on. Despite our son’s deteriorating state, the local health clinic hesitated to schedule the necessary procedure. We sought advice from Dov’s doctors in NY, who insisted on immediate surgery. However, the local clinic disagreed and insisted on waiting 96 hours before proceeding.

An Israeli bank has stepped forward with a proposal that could be a lifeline for an almanah and mother of three yesomim in Israel. The Schwartz family, devastated by the sudden loss of their father three years ago, has since been submerged in escalating debts, but a few days ago, Mrs. Schwartz received a message from the bank- If she can pay a sum of 200,000 shekels, they are willing to halve the total debt.

A recent story featured on ChesedToday.com has been generating buzz and it’s no surprise why. Leah Elyashiv, the great-granddaughter of the esteemed Rav Elyashiv zt’l, is at a pivotal moment in her life. She’s getting married soon, but without a mother, father, or even her great-grandfather’s support, her situation is heart-wrenching.
