Program will start at 8:30 p.m.

Amidst the serene backdrop of Eilat, a humanitarian crisis unfolds. The city, a symbol of peace and relaxation, now hosts an influx of over 70,000 refugees. These individuals, hailing from communities around Gaza and the north of Israel, have been deeply affected by the devastating October 7 attacks.
From Tranquility to Turmoil
Eilat, usually home to 50,000 residents, has transformed overnight. The influx of refugees includes families from communities like Be’eri, Chulit, Kissufim, and Nachal Oz. Many have endured the murder of friends and family members, while others have seen their homes destroyed. This influx has created an unprecedented strain on the city’s resources, demanding an urgent response.

Chanukah. A time of Singing, Dreidel, and Family.For many children in Shuvu that is not the case. Over 1,500 fathers of Shuvu children are fighting in Gaza and up North! These children, many from non-religious homes, will not have family parties to look forward to as they wait for their fathers to return from war.  

2 months ago, incomprehensible darkness swallowed the town of Kibbutz Be’eri, as terrorists ruthlessly murdered men, women, and children. One of the first to arrive on the scene was ZAKA volunteer Natan Kenig. Tonight, after months of removing corpses and seeing the darkest sights of his life, Kenig and the other ZAKA volunteers will bring light to Be’eri by lighting Chanukah menorahs among the wreckage. It is a haunting reminder of the families who will not light this year, because they are gone.

Volunteer organization Saad V’Marpeh, headed by Moti Fried, have been going around hospitals since the beginning of the war visiting injured soldiers. Fried speaks up here about his experience:

‘There’s nothing more rewarding than giving back to these heroic soldiers who faced death defending our country. I’ve been working with hospital patients for 25 years, and I see it on these soldiers – the ones who get visitors and fresh food recover a lot quicker’ – Moti Fried

Campaign Initiated in Response to Urgent Need of Tactical and Essential Equipment for Communities in Danger on the Front Lines


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The war in Eretz Yisroel is having a tremendous impact on all people, especially the children. With 6,000 children enrolled in Shuvu, many from the war-affected areas of the South and North, Shuvu  staff is working overtime to provide a sense of security and stability to the children, many who have family members, including parents, fighting in the army. 
Please Help Us Help Them! 
WATCH: Urgent Message from R’ Yaakov Bender shlita

On The Frontlines in Israel
One Israel Fund is the premier organization supporting the safety and well-being of the 150+ communities in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley as well as the border communities in the South and North in Israel.
In times of crisis, it is the strength and resilience of our nation that comes to the forefront. In the face of recent challenges, One Israel Fund has, once again, proven itself as a vital organization with an established and systematic approach to helping Israel’s frontline communities.
What sets One Israel Fund apart from other organizations?
The key factor is our approach to distributing aid and resources.
