Take medication. Go to the hospital for a blood test. Shave head. This is not the typical to-do list for a teenage girl, but for Esther Greenfeld of Bnei Brak it is her new normal. 

After a shocking diagnosis of stage IV bone cancer earlier this year, this 14 year old’s daily routine has been completely transformed. She goes in for weekly radiation therapy sessions in Hadassah Ein Kerem, many blood tests and scans, all with the creeping sensation of dread that grows with each passing day – there is one important task that she can’t complete on her own. 

Losing a spouse. Fighting cancer as a teenager. Either one of these struggles may be more than enough to bring a family to the brink of despair, but this widowed Israeli mom Rochel and daughter Devora have been through it all. 
Now, they are going through their next challenge: 
“My daughter Devora is engaged and getting married very soon. She’s so excited, maybe more than your average kallah because we honestly weren’t sure that she would live to get married. 7 years ago, she was diagnosed with cancer,” begins the emotional story

Hatzolah Air soars to the greatest heights and flies to the farthest corners to save and protect our people.
A Torah Scroll, rooted in the loftiest heights and reaching the farthest corners, embodies the health, safety, and life-source of our people. This heavenly campaign fuses the two in one monumental endeavor—writing a Sefer Torah to help protect lives while supporting Hatzolah Air. Every letter you purchase, for the minimal cost of $18—Chai, life—literally writes health and protection for those who need it most.
 A special Shmira for the 9 Days.

When an Israeli woman received a phone call from an unrecognizable number two weeks ago, she never expected to be told something that destroyed her life in a matter of seconds– That her husband was in prison. 

The clock is ticking for a respected father of six from Israel, who is currently held in a Polish prison under severe conditions on dubious charges of tax evasion.

Last year HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Shmuel Edelstein shlit”a combined all the most reliable and proven segulos, and the results weren’t long in coming* The list of participants this year in the special project for the yahrtzeit of the Tanna R’ Yonason ben Uziel is quickly growing* It’s simple, easy, and it’s proven itself amazingly well! Kol sasson v’kol simcha!
The news spread rapidly among those waiting for their shidduch, and this year’s list of participants has grown to unprecedented proportions.

At the request of Hagaon Harav Meir Tzvi Bergman Shlit”a, N’Shei Adirei HaTorah invites all post-seminary girls in shidduchim to a special evening of chizuk and inspiration.
Harav Bergman Shlit”a will address how to navigate the path forward with the Torah perspective, as well as give a personal bracha to each woman.
Please join!
It will take place on Tuesday evening, June 13, at 9:00 PM at the Lakewood High School Gym, 855 Somerset Avenue.
Click to register: www.nsheiadireihatorah.com/
For questions: please call 848.261.8231 

Live at Genazym Auction!


Live at Genazym Auction!
