The ATIME Live Auction hosted by Naomi Nachman. Winners will be called live at 12AM Sharp.ATIME is devoted to assisting childless Jewish couples yearning for a baby of their own. We turn sighs of distress into sighs of contentment, transforming tears of despair to tears of joy. We make dreams come true, one miracle at a time.
Last Chance to buy tickets at atimeauction.com/m
Win Amazing Prizes and support a great cause

Live at Genazym Auction!

A loving husband and father, a successful and respected professional  who eight months ago walked on his own two feet has contracted ALS and is now entirely dependent on others for his most basic needs. Once independent, strong, and energetic, his muscles are almost completely unresponsive. His days used to be spent providing for his family and learning Torah. Now his days are spent in bed or in a wheelchair.
He has suffered repeated infections and complications.
The family needs $15,000 per week, for his extensive care and treatment needs, above Medicare and Medicaid coverage.

Obviously, the primary way one can connect with a Tzaddik is by emulating his ways. R’ Shayle of Keresterir was renowned for his tireless work of providing food for those who did not have it. By partnering with Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood you will be doing exactly what R’ Shayale dedicated his entire life to and will certainly merit the associated berachos for banei, chayei, and mezonei!
Donate Here!

Those who knew Mrs. Batsheva Kletzkin up until a year ago thought of her as a powerhouse: An energetic mother of 5, who lovingly looked after the kindergarten she ran. Those who knew her face would be shocked to see what she looks like now. In fact, when her 5-year-old daughter came to the hospital to visit her recently, she barely recognized her. 

Unfortunately the family has been without income since Batsheva’s diagnosis a year and a half ago. Despite her very real fears for her life, Batsheva worries the most for her children: Yanky, Chavi, Dovid, Sari and Gili. Without her income as a kindergarten teacher the Kletzkin family is truly struggling to pay for rent, food and electricity. 

R’ Saul Emanuel, Executive Director of Jewish Community Council, Vaad Ha’ir D’Montreal makes an urgent public appeal >>>>


Dear Friends and Shutfim,
It’s the busiest time of year! A time when you can barely get to everything you need to and the expenses pile up way too fast. A time when you can easily excuse yourself and think, “I can barely manage myself, how can I begin to think of others?” However, as Yidden, we think differently. It is precisely at this moment when we open our hearts to give. We pause for a moment to think about who I can help and how I can help others benefit. Because it’s not about ourselves, its about our commitment and, most importantly, our love for Hashem and His Torah. Hashem promises us in return, as we lained in the Haftorah on Shabbos, בחנוני נא בזאת והריקותי לכם ברכה עד בלי די.

“Ima, please don’t leave me.”

Eli Rabinowitz clutches his mother, tears streaming down his face and he takes shaky breaths, inhaling the soothing, familiar scent of his mother. 

A year ago, Eli’s mother, Miriam Rabinowitz, was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors only gave her a month to live, but Miriam defied their predictions, fighting with epic heroism and strength to be able to be there, and stay alive, for her sixteen children.

“Eli…My sweet, special, Eli.” Miriam gently pulls Eli back and cups his face in her hands, looking deep into his terrified hazel eyes.

[COMMUNICATED]With less than 2 weeks to Yom Tov, our kupah has only reached half of what we need to provide all 700 families on our list. I ask you to please make sure we can provide for all 700 families next week as they are relying on us so desperately. 

A woman with a timid yet sweet voice introduces herself, and as I sit back in my swivel chair, I close my eyes and brace myself for anything.
Over the years, I’ve heard some pretty crazy stuff.
As the woman’s story spills out, I shake my head. It’s not the first time I’ve heard something like this, but it gets me every time.
