Last year HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Shmuel Edelstein shlit”a combined all the most reliable and proven segulos, and the results weren’t long in coming* The list of participants this year in the special project for the yahrtzeit of the Tanna R’ Yonason ben Uziel is quickly growing* It’s simple, easy, and it’s proven itself amazingly well! Kol sasson v’kol simcha!
The news spread rapidly among those waiting for their shidduch, and this year’s list of participants has grown to unprecedented proportions.

At the request of Hagaon Harav Meir Tzvi Bergman Shlit”a, N’Shei Adirei HaTorah invites all post-seminary girls in shidduchim to a special evening of chizuk and inspiration.
Harav Bergman Shlit”a will address how to navigate the path forward with the Torah perspective, as well as give a personal bracha to each woman.
Please join!
It will take place on Tuesday evening, June 13, at 9:00 PM at the Lakewood High School Gym, 855 Somerset Avenue.
Click to register: www.nsheiadireihatorah.com/
For questions: please call 848.261.8231 

Live at Genazym Auction!


Live at Genazym Auction!


The ATIME Live Auction hosted by Naomi Nachman. Winners will be called live at 12AM Sharp.ATIME is devoted to assisting childless Jewish couples yearning for a baby of their own. We turn sighs of distress into sighs of contentment, transforming tears of despair to tears of joy. We make dreams come true, one miracle at a time.
Last Chance to buy tickets at atimeauction.com/m
Win Amazing Prizes and support a great cause

Live at Genazym Auction!

A loving husband and father, a successful and respected professional  who eight months ago walked on his own two feet has contracted ALS and is now entirely dependent on others for his most basic needs. Once independent, strong, and energetic, his muscles are almost completely unresponsive. His days used to be spent providing for his family and learning Torah. Now his days are spent in bed or in a wheelchair.
He has suffered repeated infections and complications.
The family needs $15,000 per week, for his extensive care and treatment needs, above Medicare and Medicaid coverage.

Obviously, the primary way one can connect with a Tzaddik is by emulating his ways. R’ Shayle of Keresterir was renowned for his tireless work of providing food for those who did not have it. By partnering with Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood you will be doing exactly what R’ Shayale dedicated his entire life to and will certainly merit the associated berachos for banei, chayei, and mezonei!
Donate Here!

Those who knew Mrs. Batsheva Kletzkin up until a year ago thought of her as a powerhouse: An energetic mother of 5, who lovingly looked after the kindergarten she ran. Those who knew her face would be shocked to see what she looks like now. In fact, when her 5-year-old daughter came to the hospital to visit her recently, she barely recognized her. 

Unfortunately the family has been without income since Batsheva’s diagnosis a year and a half ago. Despite her very real fears for her life, Batsheva worries the most for her children: Yanky, Chavi, Dovid, Sari and Gili. Without her income as a kindergarten teacher the Kletzkin family is truly struggling to pay for rent, food and electricity. 
