Live at Genazym Auction

Live at Genazym Auction

A family in Ramat Beit Shemesh has just had their entire life go up in flames. Their children are left homeless and hungry, and they need your help to survive.

Live at Genazym Auction!

In the blink of an eye, an untold number of lives were forever shattered as a 52-year-old woman lost her life in a hit-and-run accident. She left behind a grieving family and countless friends whose lives will never be the same.

Miri lived a life of giving and caring. She would always rush to uplift those who were struggling and never looked away from someone else’s pain. She would always be there for anyone who needed her with words and with actions.

As a beloved mother, Miri leaves behind seven children in a sea of unbearable grief. But also many broken-hearted people who depended on her help and support. With her resourcefulness and hard work she supported her family while helping others in need.

Please help this family save their daughter.

Recently, family S made a wedding for their daughter, Shira. It was a beautiful wedding, and they had the time of their lives. Unfortunately, the dream turned into a nightmare when Shira was diagnosed with cancer a few weeks after the wedding. The young couple decided, with the guidance of their Rav, to move back in with her parents for now so she can get the care she needs. DONATE NOW!

 The parents are both beloved teachers and are already working many hours. They are doing their best, but there isn’t enough money for all the medical treatments and specialized care that the daughter needs.

Dear brothers and sisters,
My name is Sari and with Hashem’s help I will be getting married very soon!
My brother is sick, and my parents are fully focused and busy with him. (his name is Yisroel Ben Naava).
I beg of every Jewish soul to please open your heart and donate whatever possible to my wedding fund. DONATE NOW!
You have an incredible opportunity to invest in the great mitzva of hachnosas kallah, and you will be wiping away the bitter tears from my eyes.
In the zechus of helping me, Hashem should send you shefa and hatzlacha in all areas of life in good health.
Tizku limitzvos.

As temperatures drop and winter quickly approaches, many parents in Eretz Yisroel are faced with the challenge of providing their children with coats and blankets to help keep them warm.
This situation is only exacerbated when families in need must now also provide warm meals nightly and increased electric bills due to heaters, and most apartments in Eretz Yisroel are poorly insulated.
Unfortunately, due to these unprecedented times, the demand for winter coats and blankets has gone up. Not having a coat limits a child’s social life, since they aren’t able to play outside or go on outings. DONATE NOW!


This is a real tragic story –  happening right now.
The family is sitting Shiva – as you read this.
A mother left alone with her 6 children:
After a long, difficult, and unexpected battle, Gideon Aharonoff (Yosef Gideon Yaakov Ben Yitzchak) succumbed to his cancer and been called up to the Olam Haemet at a very young age.
He was the primary breadwinner. He left behind an Almana and 6 young children under the age of 13 (including the youngest two being a set of twins).
Your donation will help them get back on their feet financially and help them recover from such a terrible tragedy.
We greatly appreciate your contribution.
This campaign has been verified by the following Rabbonim of Queens:
