When it comes to finances, I’ve had a lot of success Boruch Hashem. When people ask me for tips on how to succeed in business, I always tell them the same thing: 

Esti Pollack, a mother of five gorgeous children in Israel, has bravely turned to the public during one of the scariest moments of her thirty-four years. 

This is an urgent call for help for Margalit bat Sarah.
Margalit is a single mom doing the best she can for her small children.She has just been in a terrible car accident. Margalit is bedridden; they hadto amputate part of her foot, Hashem Yerachem. They have no money forfood and basic necessities.
She will need many more surgeries and rehab. CLICK HERE
We need to get her help in the house. Someone to cook, clean, shop, and look after the kids until Margalit is back on her feet. She will also need help with her medical bills.
Please help Margalit and her children.


Five Jewish children were left completely alone in the world several months ago with the death of their father, Reb Yosef Yitzchok Rosen z”l (58). The loss of a parent is always a terrible tragedy to the family, one which the  Rosen children have already experienced: their mother abandoned the family a few years prior. Their father’s passing has only compounded their pain, and the future of the orphans is in jeopardy. 

Three-year-old Ushi Itzer and his family were gathered in the living room, excitedly preparing for his upsherin party. The balloons were blown, the food was ready, and presents were piled high. Ushi’s eyes sparkled with excitement as he looked around the room, imagining the fun that he would share with his family. He was finally a big boy.
But then the door opened and Yossi, Ushi’s beloved grandfather, appeared with a look of sorrow on his face. He whispered something into Ushi’s father’s ear. And when his father heard the secret, his face turned ashen. Suddenly, the entire room turned somber. Ushi was scared, and confused. Eventually, the entire room understood- Not only was Yossi, in his mid-fifites diagnosed with cancer. 

Download the Masmidei HaShabbos or Shabbos Malkisa Books for FREE and your Shabbos will never be the same again.  
Learn the book together as a family, do the missions, take the quiz, win prizes and so much more with Masmidei HaShabbos.  
On Friday night, Avi twirls his fork in his hand. It’s Leil Shabbos and his family is in the middle of the seuda. Three year old Ari is showing off his arts and crafts from school, and Avi is bored. He’s 11, not a bochur, but also not a kid. Avi wished he could contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way. 

Download the Masmidei HaShabbos or Shabbos Malkisa Books for FREE and your Shabbos will never be the same again.  
Learn the book together as a family, do the missions, take the quiz, win prizes and so much more with Masmidei HaShabbos.  
On Friday night, Avi twirls his fork in his hand. It’s Leil Shabbos and his family is in the middle of the seuda. Three year old Ari is showing off his arts and crafts from school, and Avi is bored. He’s 11, not a bochur, but also not a kid. Avi wished he could contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way. 

An Almana and her three children have no money for basic needs and are living in poverty! The children started going to their neighbors to beg for food.

The local Kupa, at the behest of the Rav, has set up a fund for the family.

Rachamim is a beloved Rebbi who has a special bond with his talmidim. His door is always open to them, and he is the father of a large, happy family.

Unfortunately, Rachamim has been suffering from an illness that requires expensive treatments, and he does not have the financial means to pay for them. He has been struggling in silence, but he can no longer go on like this. His family is now struggling to put food on the table. DONATE NOW!
