Many were taken aback this week by the heartbreaking photos of Suri, an Israeli girl battling life-threatening cancer in her blood. After failed treatment after treatment, Suri’s doctors are urging her to fly to Houston, Texas for a treatment that gives her a chance at life.


Two years ago, Yanky, Russy, Devorah, Yair, Chani, and Dov Kaufman faced a painful loss when their young father’s battle against heart disease tragically ended. But never in their wildest dreams did they think it would happen to them again.

Click here for the full story.>>>

A few months ago, the young Kaufman children were horrified to learn that now their mother, the widowed Ziva Kaufman, is now battling an aggressive form of cancer herself. They are shattered upon hearing this frightening news for the second time. 

The teacher Odelia Cohen a”h was niftara at the age of only 24, leaving behind her husband, a young kollel avreich, with an infant and a one-and-a-half-year-old baby•   The father is living with the two babies in a rental apartment intended for newlyweds • “I’m in an extremely stressful situation; I feel such heart-wrenching pain and I’m completely overwhelmed”
A terrible tragedy- the sudden passing of the teacher Odelia Cohen a”h, just 24 years old, who was niftara after unexpected complications arose in an operation performed after she gave birth to her second baby. 

Readers around the world have been following the story of Suri, a 16-year-old Israeli girl who, much to her parents’ horror, was recently given a dreaded diagnosis– Blood cancer. 
Suri tried treatments for six months, but after no success, her doctors are urging her to fly to Houston, Texas for a treatment that gives Suri her only chance at life. 
Coming from a family with modest means, Suri’s parents frantically scrambled to raise the funds needed to provide their sweet young daughter with emergency lifesaving treatment overseas. 

It was two years ago when life seemed to have dealt its worst hand to the Kaufmans. Their father and loving husband Ari was suddenly niftar from heart disease. The Kaufman home, once filled with laughter, enveloped in a mournful silence and Ziva, a new widow with six children in her care, battled daily with her grief, pushing through for her family.

But then, another twist of fate struck when Ziva discovered a lump. 


An army of Yidden – both single and married – are waiting. 
Some for a zivug, others for a child. They are waiting and proclaiming, unanimously, Umibaladecha! 
There is no one but You, Hashem, our Father, our King. 
We do our hishtadlus, but our belief lies in You. 
As one, Bonei Olam’s Ohel Sarala and Vzakeini participants tap into the unparalleled strength of tefila – davening to the only One who has the power to bring the miracles we seek .
Umibaladecha! Hashem, we don’t have another Father.


Yossi Dolinsky (from Chicago) was in a tragic car accident and unfortunately lost part of his hand and suffered other serious injuries. 

Rabbanim have launched an emergency campaign to help Yossi and his family during this difficult time, please donate generously.


Yossi Dolinsky (from Chicago) was in a tragic car accident and unfortunately lost part of his hand and suffered other serious injuries. 

Rabbanim have launched an emergency campaign to help Yossi and his family during this difficult time, please donate generously.
