On The Frontlines in Israel
One Israel Fund is the premier organization supporting the safety and well-being of the 150+ communities in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley as well as the border communities in the South and North in Israel.
In times of crisis, it is the strength and resilience of our nation that comes to the forefront. In the face of recent challenges, One Israel Fund has, once again, proven itself as a vital organization with an established and systematic approach to helping Israel’s frontline communities.
What sets One Israel Fund apart from other organizations?
The key factor is our approach to distributing aid and resources.
In the areas of security and medical equipment, One Israel Fund takes a direct and efficient route. We collaborate with the regional kabat – the security director in each regional council, each local community civilian security chief and his/her emergency rapid response teams.
This collaboration is critical for 3 reasons:

  1. The regional kabat is uniquely positioned to understand the needs of each community under his/her jurisdiction, conducts regular threat analyses and works to determine the specific needs of each community. This creates a fully vetted list of priorities. One Israel Fund works together with the kabat to fulfill as many of these requests as possible, ensuring that each community receives exactly what they need to stay safe.
  2. This process also prevents duplication of resources and ensures all these valuable resources are allocated precisely.
  3. Finally, it allows for the purchase of items in larger quantities resulting in significant savings. In many cases, One Israel Fund’s professional security team has found better and less expensive solutions to potential vulnerabilities than the communities originally requested.

We are in a stronger position to make a difference.
We’ve stood with these communities for 30 years. We stand with them now. And we will continue to stand with them once the war ends. Now it’s your turn.
When you help One Israel Fund, your contribution will immediately be used to provide critical security and emergency medical equipment, such as thermal drones, surveillance camera systems, patrol vehicles, communication equipment, night vision equipment, and more. Your help also supports quality recreational and educational activities for the displaced families as well as basic necessities.
What are you doing to help your brothers in Israel?
Now is not the time to sit on the sidelines. Nor is it the time to get complacent. 
The threats are just as real today as they were last month.
We need you. Israel needs you.
Join our mission. Donate to One Israel Fund HERE
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