Leah Elyashiv always knew she bore a name that carried greatness. The great-granddaughter of Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zt”l, the soft-spoken girl grew up with her family yichus being an ancestral blessing, and at the same time, a daunting reminder of the responsibility it entailed.

“I remember sitting with my great-grandfather as a child,” Leah recounts. “Though I was too young to understand the full impact of his words, I could sense the kedusha in his voice, the kindness in his eyes.”

But nothing, not even growing up in such a special environment, could have prepared her for the world-shattering tragedy that befell her: Five years ago, Leah’s mother passed away.

“Five years ago, we didn’t just lose a parent,” Leah shares, her voice tinged with sadness. “We lost our home, our support, our everything.”

Leah and her siblings were separated, taken in by different relatives and friends. Today, she’s all grown up, and recently, she became a Kallah.

“You know,” Leah says, her voice wavering, “my mother would have helped anyone in my situation. She was always there for everyone else. It’s so hard that she’s not here for me.”

Endorsed by Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein, Leah’s Hachnasas Kallah campaign calls upon the community’s generosity. This story is not just about Leah; it’s about the enduring legacy of a great Torah giant. Click here to help>>> 

In Rav Zilberstein’s powerful words:

“Who doesn’t want the Gadol Hador Maran Hagaon Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv shlita to be a meilitz yosher on his behalf before Hashem? The Rav of all of Klal Yisroel has an orphaned [great-granddaughter] who is a wonderful girl…Leah Elyashiv. She is an orphan and now she is engaged to be married and is in need of hachnosas kallah. Lucky is the person who will raise their hands to be of assistance to her. All [her forefathers] Gedolei Olam the Baal HaLeshem [and Rav Elyashiv ztz”l] will be meilitzei yosher before Hashem.”