Amidst the serene backdrop of Eilat, a humanitarian crisis unfolds. The city, a symbol of peace and relaxation, now hosts an influx of over 70,000 refugees. These individuals, hailing from communities around Gaza and the north of Israel, have been deeply affected by the devastating October 7 attacks.
From Tranquility to Turmoil
Eilat, usually home to 50,000 residents, has transformed overnight. The influx of refugees includes families from communities like Be’eri, Chulit, Kissufim, and Nachal Oz. Many have endured the murder of friends and family members, while others have seen their homes destroyed. This influx has created an unprecedented strain on the city’s resources, demanding an urgent response.
Chabad of Eilat’s Role in Providing Relief
Chabad of Eilat has swiftly responded to this crisis with the theme of עוטפים באהבה – wrapping them with love. Recognizing the diverse needs of these families, Chabad has initiated various programs:
- Children’s Programs: Mini camps and daily clubs (Chugim) in 10 hotels offer a respite for children, providing educational and recreational activities.
- Shabbos Celebrations: Family-oriented Erev Shabbat concerts and challah baking sessions help maintain help inspire the families and strengthen their community.
- Support for Women: Women’s circles and events offer a platform for emotional support and community connection.
- Youth Engagement: Programs for teens, including the establishment of multiple game rooms and teen lounges in hotels to give a place for teens to break away from the grief and trauma they have experienced. In addition, volunteering opportunities and CTeens activities are engaging the youth in meaningful ways.
- Chanukah Programs: As Chanukah approaches each hotel (60) will hold special Chanukah programs and menorah lightings. Chabad of Eilat will be providing activities and gifts to children to give families respite and a little bit of joy during Chanukah.
The Uplift Eilat Campaign: A Call to Action
In response to the dire situation, Chabad of Eilat has launched the Uplift Eilat Campaign, to raise $1,000,000. This campaign is critical in enabling Chabad of Eilat to provide for thousands of stranded families. All of the funds raised are being immediately invested in more programming, camps, lounges and activities to provide relief for children teens and adults of all ages.
A Plea for Support: How You Can Participate
The stories of loss and displacement are heart-wrenching, but they also present an opportunity for collective action and support.
Donate:Go to uplifteilat.com to donate immediately
Sponsor A Program:Go to uplifteilat.com and scroll down to see available programs you can sponsor
Become an Ambassador:Create a fundraising page and set a fundraising goal to help support the Uplift Eilat Campaign.
Adopt-A-Community:Create a community of fundraisers.Rally your shul, neighborhood, or community to adopt a community currently displaced in Eilat.
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