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Live at Auction!

Live at Auction!

Live at Auction!


Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz is offering a unique and powerful opportunity for spiritual elevation this Erev Yom Kippur. The gates of his Yeshiva, Shaar Hashamayim, are opening for a once-a-year pidyon nefesh, led by the renowned mekubalim of the yeshiva. This event is known for its immense spiritual impact, helping participants sweeten and nullify all harsh judgments that may be looming in the coming year.


The special knife directly from HaGaon HaTzaddik Rabbi Shimon Gala’i  shlit”a* With an engraved personal inscription from the Rav shlit”a, including his signature* To cut through difficulties with parnassah and open the channels of hatzlacha and siyatta diShmaya
Rosh HaShana is approaching; in a little while decrees will be written for all humankind. Yet one can still change them; one can improve before Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur arrive.
Old parnassah difficulties can disappear in a moment; hatzlacha can shine upon a person this new year, b’siyatta diShmaya. What’s needed is just to open the channels of parnassah in Shamayim, and then abundance will flow down freely this coming year.

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Live at auction!
