For many families in Zichron Moshe Yerushalayim, Purim is a wake-up call.
This year, the families of Kupas Zichron Moshe find themselves in an even more precarious situation. The war has resulted in unprecedented inflation, causing food prices to spike considerably. Families that struggle to feed their children the basics are finding it impossible to do even that.
Unfortunately, we have added over 100 families to our list of recipients this year, with many more waiting to see if we will be able to raise enough funds to be able to help them as well.
Harav Gamliel Rabinowitz Shlit”a and Harav Moshe Elyashiv Shlit”a have said that tzedaka to these families are the highest form of Matanos Levyonim.


Live at Genazym Auction

Live at Genazym Auction

Live at Genazym Auction

Live at Genazym Auction!


As the sacred period of Shovavim draws to a close, our community stands at a pivotal juncture, presented with a final opportunity to engage in profound spiritual renewal. This period, deeply rooted in mystical traditions, offers a unique chance for personal and communal teshuvah (repentance), tefillah (prayer), and tzedakah (charity), leading us towards a briah chadosha (renewed creation).

Live at Genazym Auction!

A handwritten letter replete with emotion and fervor portraying the pure Torah perspective of Rabbi Chaim Halevi Soloveitchik through his efforts to preserve authentic Judaism and the traditional institution of the Rabbinate in Eretz Yisrael.
