Campaign now live! (Video) We each breathe approximately 24,000 a day. It B”H goes so smooth, so natural – we don’t even notice it. However for those born with cystic fibrosis, every breath is difficult…painful…laborious. They suffer from low energy and low appetite. They are vulnerable to recurrent lung infections and hospitalizations. Cystic fibrosis is genetic in nature…disproportionately affecting Jewish families, typically several children per household. And unfortunately, cystic fibrosis has no cure. There are supplements and painful daily therapies to alleviate some of the disease’s effects…but the disease and its effects linger. There is one thing that improves the lives of cystic fibrosis patients more than anything else: A therapeutic respite trip to Key West, FL. The uniquely moist, high salt air in “America’s Caribbean” has been medically proven to loosen mucus in cystic fibrosis patients – making breathing easier; increasing energy and appetite; and reducing lung infections. Child Life Society is the only organization in North America that provides cystic fibrosis families with fully sponsored therapeutic respite trips to Key West. The Lifeshine Respite Program serves nearly 100 families, with hundreds of children, from Jewish communities across the United States – offering them this life altering relief. The trips last for over two weeks, which relieves symptoms for 6-8 months after the families return home. Child Life Society currently owns two therapeutic respite homes in Key West – each with its own backyard saltwater pool – that comfortably accommodates these families. However, a third home is desperately needed in order to accommodate the many additional desperate requests each year. Child Life Society no longer wants to turn anyone away! The “Lifeshine4Kids” campaign is now live! Help Child Life Society acquire a third therapeutic respite and bring relief and smiles to dozens of additional families each year. Through Thursday, your donation is automatically doubled. Please visit and help these families NOW! Tizke L’mitzvos!