With the participation of rabbonim and roshei yeshivos from all over the Jewish world and around 4000 members of the local community * The Malchus Choir, the Hamenagnim orchestra, artist and composer, Reb Mona Rosenblum, Reb Ahrele Samet and Reb Zanvil Weinberger, have arrived from Israel for the special event

Dirshu’s exciting journey is underway: Thousands from the Manchester Jewish community are now gathering for a Siyum Hashas, the likes of which the city has never yet seen. The siyum is taking place at EventCity – the largest and grandest hall in Manchester, which has thousands of seats, and maranan v’rabanan gedolei Torah, rabbonim, dayonim, and roshei yeshivos, shlita, are in attendance.
The entire Malchus Choir, and the Hamenagnim orchestra conducted by Reb Mona Rosenblum, and produced by Shalom Wagshal Music, will add to the enjoyment. Reb Zanvil Weinberger and Reb Ahrele Samet will contribute music and song to the event.
In addition, during the event, an exceptional production, produced especially for the exciting occasion by Plan with Yosef Pollack and Mordechai Tzin, will be staged. The event itself is produced by Shneur Fleishman and Yossi Peles of Fleishman Peles Productions Ltd.