We are saddened to report the petira early this morning of Rebbetzin Leah Gertzulin, a”h. Rebbetzin Gertzulin was the wife of HaRav Nosson Eliyohu Gertzulin, zt”l, who served as Mashgiach Ruchani and Rosh Yeshiva of Mesifta Torah Vodaath for over half-a-century. She was 95 years old. Rebbetzin Gertzulin was born in Brooklyn in 1924, at a time when America was a spiritual wasteland. Her father, HaRav Moshe Dovid Zwerdling was a Rov in Crown Heights, and later in Brighton Beach, and a rebbe in Yeshiva HaRav Dovid Lebovits. Her mother, Rebbetzin Tziporah, was a direct descendant of HaRav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld. Despite the great challenges of that time, they were determined to raise their daughter, and her two sisters al pi derecho haTorah. Rebbetzin Gertzulin devoted her life to supporting her husband’s avodas hakodesh. She was a true aishes chaver, who had great respect for Rabbonim, lomdei Torah, and baalebatim who pursued a life of Torah values. Her greatest satisfaction was seeing the development of thousands upon thoiusands of bnei Torah and bnos Torah in the years following World War II. She lived a life of emunah and bitachon, and with the highest level of tznius. The levaya took place this morning at Shomrei Hadaas, and kevura was in Beth David Cemetery in Elmont. Yehi Zichrah Boruch. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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