A tragic accident late Saturday night claimed the lives of three members of a Jewish family from Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey. The crash occurred just before midnight on the northbound side of the Garden State Parkway in Woodbridge Township, resulting in the deaths of David Dryerman, 54, his wife, Michele Dryerman, 54, and their 17-year-old daughter. New Jersey State Police reported that David Dryerman was driving a Tesla when the vehicle veered off the road, hitting a sign, guardrail, and concrete bridge support. All three occupants of the car were pronounced dead at the scene. In the wake of the tragedy, Rabbi Dov Drizin, who leads Valley Chabad in Woodcliff Lake, worked closely with authorities to ensure proper kavod hameis.

Lakewood Alerts regrets to inform you of the tragic petirah of Mrs. Kreindel Yachat Pinkovics a”h, who was niftar Sunday morning. She was in her thirties. Mrs. Pinkovicz, née Weinberger, had collapsed several months ago days after the birth of her youngest child. Tragically, she never recovered. She is survived by her husband, R’ Binyomin yb”l, and five children. The Levaya will take place today at 12:00 PM at Khal Chasan Sofer, located at 490 Manetta Avenue in Lakewood. Kevurah will follow in Deans, NJ.

YWN regrets to inform you of the petirah of R’ Yisroel Schenkowleski z”l, one of Lakewood’s earliest and most prolific askanim, who helped set the foundation for the town to become a thriving makom torah. He was 80 years old. In addition to his work with the local, county, state and federal governments for more than 40 years, R’ Yisroel was also a key factor behind the growth of Torah in the township, including by founding the Bais Kaila girls school. The levaya is scheduled to take place at 4:30 PM on Tuesday afternoon at BMG’s Bais Yitzchok bais medrash, with kevurah in Eretz Yisroel. THE FOLLOWING IS VIA LAKEWOOD ALERTS R’ Yisroel’s tireless efforts touched every aspect of the community, from education to emergency services, law enforcement, and government.

Shelly Avital, a 53-year-old mother of five from Aventura, Florida, tragically passed away after a hiking accident during a family outing in San Diego on Tuesday. Mrs. Avital z”l had been hiking with her husband and daughter when suddenly collapsed. Emergency services were immediately contacted, and a rescue team airlifted Mrs. Avital to a trauma center. Tragically, she went into cardiac arrest en route to the hospital and passed away shortly after arrival. Misaskim of Los Angeles are working closely with local authorities to ensure kavod hameis and expedite the release of her body so that the kevura can be held in Eretz Yisroel before Shabbos. Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Avraham Herzlich, z’l, who was known as the “Jewish shepherd,” passed away on Wednesday morning at the age of 85. Herzlich, z’l, was born in Brooklyn to a secular family. As a young man, he felt something missing and began exploring Zionism. When he was 23, he traveled to Israel by ship and began learning Hebrew. He became interested in Yiddishkeit on a visit to a Teimani shul in Jerusalem, where he was moved by the authentic sound of the davening. His interest in Teimani customs led him to the Teimani community of Rosh Haayin, where he joined a yeshivah and began learning Torah. It was in Rosh HaAyin that he also began to be interested in shepherding. He was directed to Kfar Zeitim, a village near Tiveria, where he not only learned how to shepherd but met his future wife.

It is with profound sadness that YWN informs you of the Petirah of the Kosover Rebbe, HaRav Shraga Feivish Hager zt”l, a luminary for tens of thousands across the globe. He was 66 years old. In January 2023, the Kosover Chassidus in Boro Park publicized that the Rebbe had fallen extremely ill and was in need of Rachamei Shamayim. In the subsequent year-plus, the Rebbe traveled to Germany for specialized treatments, which ultimately wiped out the disease, but left his internal organs severely compromised. The Rebbe was hospitalized again several weeks ago due to organ failure, and had been back-and-forth between the hospital and home in recent days and weeks as his condition deteriorated. On Friday afternoon, a Minyan was gathered around his bed. He was Niftar over Shabbos.

A 13-year-old Bochur riding a bike tragically lost his life after he was struck by a vehicle that lost control in Pomona on Wednesday afternoon. Rockland Hatzolah Paramedics rushed to the scene at Overlook Drive and High Mountain Road, but were sadly unable to revive the young bochur, who was identified as Efrayim Rubin. Haverstraw Police are now investigating the awful accident, with Chesed Shel Emes, Misaskim and Chaverim Of Rockland at the scene as well. Levaya details will be published when they become available to us. Boruch Dayan HaEmmes… (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of R’ Yaakov Yisroel HaKohen Goldfeder z”l. He was 76. The Niftar was one of the original founding members of Rockaway Lawrence Hatzalah, known by his unit number “RL-15”. He was very close to HaRav Shlomo Freifeld Zt”l, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv, where the Niftar Davened and learned his entire life. He leaves behind a Mishpacha of Bnei Torah and Baalei Chesed. He is survived by his wife, Mrs Susie, sons HaRav Yehuda (a Rov in Florida), Reb Yosef (Flatbush), daughter Chaya Gibber (Far Rockaway), a brother Avi (Chicago) and sister Sara Brazil (Oceanside, NY). The Levaya will take place tomorrow, Friday morning, at 10:30AM, in Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv. The Kevura will be in Eretz Yisroel.

This past Thursday morning, the second day of Shavuos, Rabbi Dr. Yosef Brown was niftar. Most people knew him as Dr. Brown, the psychologist, but he always emphasized that he was a husband, father and grandfather first. Outside of his professional career, he always asked to just be called Yosef, always teaching his children to shy away from kavod. At the young age of 25, at the behest of his father, Mr. Zelig Brown, a Holocaust survivor, young Yosef received smicha from Rav Moishe Feinstein, while at the same time working on his master’s degree in clinical psychology from NYU, and as bing “an ever-present husband and father,” as bis wife, Mrs. Golda Brown, says. Over the past 40 years, Dr.

Yihye Ben-Yosef Z”L, one of the last remaining Jews in Yemen, was Niftar last week and was laid to rest on Thursday. Ben-Yosef chose to stay in the Arhab district of Yemen even as the rest of his community departed. His Kevurah was conducted by local non-Jews. In 2021, the Houthis expelled 13 Jews from Yemen. There are reportedly six Jews left in Yemen. Three men, and two women. One additional man is in prison. More than 51,000 Yemenite Jews have immigrated to Israel since the country’s establishment in 1948. The majority of the community—nearly 50,000 individuals in total—was brought to Israel in Operation Magic Carpet in 1949 and 1950. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
