A devastating accident on Route 17 has left the Vishnitzer community in mourning after a horrific collision claimed the life of a beloved Yungerman, returning from a Vishnitzer Rebbeisha chasunah in Monsey. Sources tell YWN that R’ Mordachai Zafir Z”L, 54, and his 17-year-old son were traveling back to the Vishnitz (Gibbers) community in Kiamesha after attending the chasunah of the granddaughter of the Viznitzer Rebbe of Monsey and the grandson of the Viznitzer Rebbe of Kiamesha when tragedy struck. At approximately 1:45 AM, near exits 126/127, a wrong-way driver collided head-on with their vehicle in a fatal crash. R’ Mordachai Z”L was tragically niftar at the scene.
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