YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Reb Bentzion Kornreich Z”L, one of the well-known Gabboyim at “Landaus Shul” on Avenue L in Flatbush. The Niftar suffered a cardiac arrest a few weeks ago and was rushed by Hatzolah to the hospital, where he remained on life support until his Petira on Tuesday, Erev Shavuos. Due to the late hour, there will be no Levaya, and the Kevura will take place before Yom Tov at the Har Shalom Beis Hachaim in Airmont (Monsey). An article about the Niftar will I”H be published after Shavuos. Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

YWN regrets to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Lea Reichmann, A”H of Toronto. Mrs. Reichmann was the אשת חיל of the greatest tomeich Torah of modern times, Reb Moshe Reichmann, z”l, who encouraged and stood by him in all of his endeavors. She leaves behind a legacy of Torah and Yiraas Shomayim, and […]

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Schneur Zalman Yudkin Zt”l, a link to to pre-war Europe whose life story and Mesirus Nefesh inspired countless people throughout his illustrious life. As a child, Shneur Zalman studied at Yeshiva Torah Im Derech Eretz, a school that operated in a gymnasium in Riga, Latvia, […]

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of the Biala Rebbe ZT”L, HaGaon HaRav Betzalel Simcha Menachem Bentzion Rabinowitz. He was 89. The Rebbe was the oldest member of the Motzes Gedolei Hatorah of Agudas Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel, which represents the Chasidic community in Israel. He led his Chasidus for decades from his […]

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Yisroel Moshe Fried Z”L, the Morah D’Asra of Khal Neustadt in Lakewood, who was Niftar over Yom Tov following an illness. The Levaya was held on Tuesday, the second day of Yom Tov, in front of his Bais Medrash on County Line Road. The Kevura […]

Mrs. Shifra Dvora Mayer A”H, who was struck by a vehicle in Boro Park last month, was tragically Niftar early Sunday morning. As Boro Park Scoop reported on Friday March 29th the Nifteres A”H crossed the street at 14th Avenue and 39th Street where she was struck by a vehicle and was rushed by Boro […]

Tragedy struck the Monsey community on Friday when a Jewish family headed to Scranton, Pennsylvania, for Shabbos was involved in a deadly single-vehicle accident on the I-84. According to police, Yeruchem and Serach Kagan, along with their four children, were approximately 20 minutes from Scranton when their vehicle veered off the roadway and flipped, rolling […]

The sole survivor of the horrific 2001 helicopter crash which shook the Orthodox Jewish community to its core, was sadly Niftar on Motzei Shabbos. Mrs. Chana Daskal A”H, a resident of Seagate, NY, passed away at the age of 47 after suffering from an unrelated illness for approximately a year. She was Niftar at a […]

A terrible tragedy occurred in Israel overnight Tuesday when Yisroel Eliyahu Suissa, z’l, a 21-year-old Lubavitcher chassid from Montreal, Canada who was serving as a lone soldier in the IDF was killed in a motorcyle accident. The niftar had served in Gaza since the war began, for 150 consecutive days, and had just been released […]

YWN regrets to inform you of the petirah of Rav Yekusiel Yehuda Meisels zt”l, the longtime Rav in Seagate, who was niftar at Maimonides Medical Center on Sunday night at the age of 95. Rav Yekusiel Yehuda was born in Wodzisław (Veitz) to the town’s rav, Rav Tzvi Hersh and Henya Zissel, the daughter Rav […]
