HaGaon HaRav Betzalel Edelstein, zt’l, Rosh Yeshivas Ahavas Aharon, was niftar in Bnei Brak overnight Motzei Shabbos, the first day of Chol Hamoed, at the age of 68. HaRav Betzalel, z’tl, was the closest son to his illustrious father, zt’l, and learned b’chavrusah with him every morning for decades. Two and a half years ago, HaRav Betzalel, z’tl, was diagnosed with a rare illness. When he was originally diagnosed, the doctors gave him only a few months to live and the name “Noach” was added to his name as a segulah. HaRav Betzalel, z’tl, established the yeshivah Ahavas Aharon in Bnei Brak, a kiruv yeshivah for talmidim from secular families, and was moser nefesh for decades to be makareiv the bochurim and bring them close to Hakadosh Baruch Hu.

A tragic incident occurred in Uman on the second day of Rosh Hashanah when an Israeli man from the southern Israeli city of Netivot collapsed and passed away shortly later. David Mirilashvili, z’l, 55, collapsed after Minchah in front of his children at the entrance to the tzion of Reb Nachman M’Breslov. Hazalah paramedics carried out resuscitation techniques but were forced to pronounce his death at the scene shortly later. Israel’s Foreign Ministry is working to transfer his body to Israel. An estimated 45,600 Jews spent Rosh Hashanah in Uman. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Tragedy has struck the Monsey community with the heartbreaking Petira of Reb Hershy Gross Z”L on Wednesday morning, two days after collapsing in Ben-Gurion Airport upon his arrival in the country. The niftar, Reb Avraham Tzvi (Hershey), z’l, 39, had traveled to Israel with his wife to spend the month of Tishrei in their apartment in Jerusalem. They had arrived at the airport on Monday and were standing in line to rent a car when he collapsed and lost consciousness. Hatzalah and MDA paramedics rushed to the scene and carried out resuscitation techniques, continuing them as they evacuated him in an ECMO mobile intensive care unit to Assaf HaRofeh Hospital near Tel Aviv. Sadly, despite the best efforts of the medical staff, his death was pronounced on Wednesday morning.

YWN regrets to inform you of the petira of Rabbi Yossi Taub Z”L, a longtime resident of Flatbush. The Niftar was a noted Talmud Chochom and Baal Mechaber of Dorshei Reshumos. He was an Einikle of Rav Shaul Yedidya Eliezer of Modzitz. Unfortunately, Reb Yossi was not well the past two years, and was Niftar on Wednesday evening surrounded by his incredible Mishpacha. He leaves behind children, grandchildren and great grandchildren who are following in his illustrious Derech. He is survived by his wife, Mrs Shaindy Taub; Children: Mrs Chanie Lehman (Passaic), Mrs Kiki Goldfeder (Flatbush), R” Shaulie Taub (Monsey), R’ Azriel Taub (Lakewood); Sisters: Mrs Chavie Weinreb, Mrs Feigi Halberstam. The Levaya will take place Thursday morning at 11:30 AM at Shomrei Hadas 3803 14 Avenue.

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Reb Menachem Mendel Braun, Z”L, who tragically lost his life following a boating incident. He was the husband of Mrs. Chaya Braun and the loving son of Rabbi and Mrs. Avraham and Mirel Braun. The Levaya took place in Baltimore on Sunday afternoon at Sol Levinson, followed by a Levaya in Monsey at Yeshiva of South Monsey and the Kevurah at Monsey Beis HaChaim on Brick Church Road. In the wake of this tragic event, the Braun family is urging anyone with cherished memories or anecdotes of Reb Menachem Z”L to share them through email at rabbimmbraunmemories@gmail.com To honor his memory and provide crucial support to his bereaved family, a Memorial Fund has been initiated.

We regret to inform you of the passing of Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Sorscher who was niftar in middle of the night Wednesday. Rabbi Sorscher was the first executive director of Yesha Derech Chaim, founded by his illustrious brother’s in-law, Harav Hagoan Reb Yisrael Plutchok ztl and Harav Hagoan Mordichai Reb Rennert ztl. Dr. Sorscher was a well-known dentist in Boro Park for over thirty years. His patients included Rav Avigdor Miller ztl, the Novominkser Rebbe and Rav Binyamin Zeilberger ztl, the late Rosh Yeshiva of Beth Hatalmud. Rabbi Sorscher spent his mornings learning in Derech Chaim and his evenings giving the daf yomi shiur at Beis Ahron Tzvi (Rabbi Felder’s shul) in Boro Park. He also gave the motzei Shabbos navi shiur in that shul. He gave these shiurim for close to thirty years.

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Hagaon Harav Aharon Schechter ZT”L, Rosh Yeshiva of Chaim Berlin, and member of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Agudath Yisrael of America. He was 95. The Rosh Yeshiva has been unwell the past two years, and wad Niftar early Thursday morning. The Levaya will be held today at around noon at Yeshiva Chaim Berlin, on Coney Island Ave between Avenue L and Avenue M. Exact time will be updated when confirmed. Kevura will be in Long Island. Rav Aharon was a Talmid Muvhak of the late Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon HaRav Hutner Zt”l, who appointed Rav Aharon as Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshiva. He was a brilliant Talmid Chochom, and delivered a daily Shiur in the Yeshiva for many decades, as he was Mechanech thousands upon thousands of Bochrim.

YWN regrets to inform you of the sudden Petira of Hagaon HaRav Shlomo Zalman Kaufman ZT”L, a Rov and dayan in the Chestnut Ridge area. He was 71. Monsey Scoop reports that Rav Kaufman had chest pains and Rockland Hatzolah was called to his home just after 6:00PM. While Paramedics were rushing him to the Good Samaritan Hospital, he suffered a cardiac arrest in the ambulance. Hatzolah and doctors at the hospital did everything they could to save his life, but unfortunately, they were unsuccessful. Rav Kaufman was a tremendous Talmid Chochom, a highly sought-after Dayan and Posek, and had a Shul in Chestnut Ridge. Levaya details are tentatively set for Friday morning 11:00AM at 108 Scotland Hill Road in Chestnut Ridge.

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of longtime resident of Flatbush, Rabbi Eliezer Hakohen Miller Z”L, the son of Hagaon HaRav Avigdor Miller ZT”L. He was in his high eighties. Reb Laizer was born in Europe while his father Harav Avigdor Miller was learning in the Slabodka Kollel. When the winds of war started blowing being that his father was an American they were able to obtain visas to come to America. Even though he was very young when he left, the livisha spirit never left him. He always personified the Slabodka Gadlus HaAdam, as he was always seen wearing a tie and jacket. After immigrating to the USA , Harav Avigdor became the Rav in Chelsea, Massachusetts.

A heartbreaking incident unfolded on McDonald Avenue as an elderly woman was struck by a car, prompting the closure of the avenue from Lawrence Avenue until 18th Avenue. The victim, identified as a 68-year-old Joyce Greenberg A”H, was in a wheelchair when she was tragically pinned by the vehicle and later succumbed to her injuries at the hospital. The accident occurred during daylight hours, and witnesses at the scene were shocked by the sudden tragedy. Emergency services rushed to the location and worked diligently to extricate the woman from beneath the car. She was quickly transported to the hospital in serious condition, but despite the medical efforts, she sadly passed away due to the severity of her injuries.
