It is cause for celebration when an album is released that recaptures the magic of the past, while possessing the energy and cutting-edge musicality of today. The debut of Aish 3, featuring the spectacular joint efforts of Abie Rotenberg, Shlomo Simcha and Doni Gross will no doubt be exuberantly embraced by knowledgeable Jewish Music fans worldwide. For more than two decades, Aish classics have accompanied Klal Yisrael through the milestones of Jewish life. This newest addition to the collection is no different. The twelve selections on Aish 3 offer both deeply emotive and inspiring tracks, as well as rousing, joyful Niggunim. Without doubt, many are sure to become tomorrow’s classics. In addition to the lead vocalists, an eclectic lineup of guest performances graces this production and adds significantly to its flavor. Over two years in the making, Aish 3 bolsters this iconic series and is a tribute to Jewish Music’s vibrant roots. Yes, even today, the fire of inspiration continues to burn brightly. Behind studio doors, we (JMN) met with this dynamic team to talk about the history of Aish, the evolution of Jewish Music in general, and the more recent efforts in the production of this latest Aish album. Clearly, it was a labor of love that included long hours, many international flights, and a musical adventure of comradery, peppered with hefty doses of laughter. In a candid interview, the three artists shared a glimpse into the process. JMN: Mazel tov on this momentous achievement! How do you feel knowing that Aish songs have had a profound impact upon so very many people? Abie: I feel very blessed to have had the privilege of writing songs that have resonated with people. To know that one’s songs are played at a Kumzits, a Chupah, or used by Chazanim to adorn their Tefilos, is very gratifying. The many Dveykus and Journeys albums I’ve been involved in, as well as the first two Aish recordings, contain compositions that many have enjoyed and they in turn have passed them on to their children and grandchildren. Although it has taken many years, I am equally proud of this new third Aish album. I feel that it too, has many wonderful songs that have the potential to uplift and inspire the Jewish Music loving public. Doni: When the opportunity arose to work with Abie and Shloimie, it felt like a dream come true for me. It’s has been a tremendous honor to be able to present the world with more of the music I grew up with and came to love so much. It has also been humbling for me to work side by side with two of the industry’s greatest veterans. I remember how as a young boy I went out and bought Aish I on cassette. I literally was glued to my tape recorder, listening to the songs, over and over again. As a producer, much of the material that crosses my desk today can be classified as catchy or on trend. However, the experience of working with Abie and Shloimie – cornerstones of classic, timeless Jewish Music – has been priceless. JMN: The heartfelt influence songs like Habeit, Yedid Nefesh, and Ilan have had across the world is quite amazing. What do you think it […]
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