Na’ama Issachar posted a thank-you letter on the Facebook page that revolved around the fight for her release. Na’ama’s letter read as follows: “I have been thinking for a number of days how it would be appropriate to say thank you to everyone, how I could appeal to everyone and say how much I thank you and how much I love I have for everyone? How could I thank everyone for their efforts, for all of the groups, the prayers, the worries, the letters, and the million other things that were done for me that I am not even aware of.” “There is a lot of gratitude that I have among the chaos. I knew in my heart that I wasn’t fighting alone. I am so grateful to be back in Israel, and the sheer amount of hugs and support I have received truly warms my heart. This would not have happened without you. I am very lucky to have a group of people who protected me when I was unable to do so for myself. You brought me home. I love you all and thank you all.” It is important to me to thank my family who led the fight and was with me every step of the way. I also want to thank everyone who took part in the endless efforts to bring me home. A big thank you to all of the artists, athletes, and influencers who supported my fight and took part in the various videos to raise awareness about it. A special thank you to all those who donated their own money to our crowd-sourcing campaign and to all of the activists on social media. I can only say thank you.” Many people on social media were outraged that the Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, was not mentioned in the thank you letter. The administrators of her page issued a statement in response that read: “Na’ama and her family wish to send a big thank you to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and to the Russian President Vladimir Putin. Netanyahu worked tirelessly in order to bring Na’ama back home and for this we thank him and we thanked him in every possible forum. This post by Na’ama was aimed at thanking the many activists who donated their time and money and formed the beating heart of the fight to bring her back home.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
The post Na’ama Isaachar Neglects to Mention Netanyahu In Thank You Letter appeared first on The Yeshiva World.