Any men who fail to wear a mask in the Chareidi city of Elad will no longer be able to receive an Aliyah to the Torah or serve as a shaliach tzibur. The decision was reached at an emergency meeting of all the Rabbanim of the city on Monday, headed by the Rav of Elad, Harav Mordechai Malka, due to the alarming rise of coronavirus cases in the city in recent days. “Whoever is not mapkid on ‘V’nishmartem’ transgresses a din in the Torah b’meizid,” Rav Malka said to the Rabbanim. “It’s assur to give him an Aliyah l’Torah or have him serve as a Shaliach Tzibur and you should be mapkid not to allow him in shul.” “Just like one is mapkid on davening in a minyan and the other mitzvos, one must be mapkid on [wearing a] mask.” מחשש לגל שני, הגר"מ מלכה רב העיר אלעד כינס את כל רבני הקהילות בעיר והזהיר: "מי שמסתובב בלי מסיכה עובר על ונשמרתם, אסור להעלותו לתורה ולשמש כשליח ציבור". — תפארת המזרח (@yqy30YMtmcgNAjb) June 22, 2020 Rav Malka also requested that the Rabbanim speak to the members of their shuls and communities about the importance of adhering to health regulations. The number of virus cases in Elad has doubled in the past week and news reports on Tuesday afternoon indicate that it may be declared as a “restricted area” by the government on Tuesday night. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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