Zeinab Soleimani, the daughter of Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani, who was eliminated by the US in January, said in a recent English-language interview that her father was the only one standing up against the terrorist groups of Al Qaeda and ISIS. “Al Queda and ISIS are terrorist groups that America made and we have many proofs of that,” she said in the interview which was aired on Going Underground on Russia Today TV. “My father was the only person standing against these terrorist groups.” “[The US] made [these terrorist groups] to start a war in the Middle East and they use it to start hurting people and taking their houses, their jobs, their money, their countries. Of course, they’re not happy that my father was standing before them and destroying them everywhere.” Zeinab also claimed that her father “is a savior. He saved people, not just his own country. He did this for all countries; he did this for people.” “There is no difference between Biden and Trump,” Zeinab asserted. “They are the same guy and they are following the same policy. Biden agreed with Obama when they ‘made’ ISIS. What the difference between Trump and Biden? What will change?” The video was publicized by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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