Yehudah Ben-Shitrit, the husband of Asnat, z’l, who passed away of the coronavirus on Motzei Shabbos at age 32, told Channel 13 News that contrary to rumors, his wife wasn’t opposed to vaccines and even made an appointment to receive the first dose but caught the virus prior to the appointment. “At the beginning, she was a little nervous due to all the talk in the media about pregnant women but later she decided to be vaccinated and she made appointments for both of us,” Yehudah said. “I got vaccinated with the first dose but then contracted the virus and then she caught it and it was too late for her to be vaccinated. We were in favor of vaccination – I recommend to everyone to be vaccinated, to protect your lives so you won’t come to our situation.” “It’s impossible to come to terms with this,” Yehudah tearfully said. “She was everything in the house. She left such a deep vacuum.” Asnat was also the main breadwinner in her family through her sheitel salon and the family, including 4 yesomim, the youngest only a one-year-old baby, is in need of financial assistance. A FUND WAS SET UP TO HELP THE FAMILY – CLICK HERE TO DONATE (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
The post Bereaved Husband Says His Wife Wasn’t Against Vaccines appeared first on The Yeshiva World.
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