A Brooklyn Supreme Court judge harshly criticized a group of Lubavitcher bochurim on Monday for their involvement in digging a secret tunnel beneath the Chabad-Lubavitch world headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights. The case caused an international chillul hashem and led to widespread conspiracy theories across vast swaths of the internet. “If these young gentlemen think they’re exercising power over this court, they are sadly mistaken,” Judge Adam Perlmutter said. “You’re a shame to your family. You’re a shame to the worldwide Chabad movement.” Two bochurim had their cases adjourned, with charges to be dismissed if they avoid further trouble for six months. Others pleaded guilty to reduced criminal mischief charges, agreeing to pay $200 in restitution and to refrain from “destructive activity” at 770 for three years. However, four bochurim refused plea deals and now face potential prison time, with one of them saying that “being banned from 770 for three years is worse than jail.” The controversy erupted in January 2024 when police discovered the tunnel and confronted bochurim hiding inside. The students claimed they were fulfilling the vision of the Lubavitcher Rebbe who had called for expanding 770 before his petirah in 1994. Judge Perlmutter dismissed the bochurim’s justification for their actions, saying, “If you want to expand 770, they know how to do it. You are a blemish on the Chabad movement.” The plea agreements prevent further digging, and violations could result in stricter penalties, including a five-year ban from 770. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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