EREV YOM KIPPUR Erev Yom Kippur is a Yom Tov, one where we show happiness and appreciation that Hashem has given us a second chance and for the notion of Teshuvah. There is a special Mitzvah to eat on this day.  The Mishna Brurah cites the Mogain Avrohom that eating on Erev Yom Kippur is a Torah Mitzvah.  The custom is to eat two Seudos.  Many Poskim hold that women are also biblically obligated in this Mitzvah.  The Seudos should be like the Seudos that we serve on Shabbos. There is a custom in Klal Yisroel to do Kaparos on the day before Yom Kippur. A rooster is taken for a man and a hen is taken for a woman.  If a woman is expecting (b’shaah tova umutzlachas), the custom is to take a rooster and a hen.  As was done for the Korbanos, one should have in mind that what is being done to the chicken is really what we deserve — except that Hashem forgives us entirely when teshuvah is done.  After the chicken is shechted it should be given to the poor. There are some authorities that question whether Kapparos should be done at all, and suggest that the original source of this custom did not come from Torah based sources. In order to fulfill this other opinion, some people use money instead of chickens for Kapparos. Many have the custom to immerse in a Mikvah on Erev Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur, of course, does not atone for sins between man and his fellow man, until the other party is approached by the offender. If the issue is a monetary one, then forgiveness does not occur until the money is repaid.  If someone stole from the public, then one must do tzarchei Rabbim —meeting the needs of the public. There is a debate among the Achronim whether ideally one should personally ask forgiveness or whether a messenger should be sent. The Mishna Brurah concludes that one should approach the other party by oneself.  He further writes that if this is difficult or if it would be more effective if a third party is sent — then one should send the third party. ADDING TO YOM KIPPUR It is a Torah Mitzvah to add on to the day of Yom Kippur, both before it and after it. Women are also obligated in this Mitzvah. During the Mincha Shmoneh Esreh of Erev Yom Kippur there is a Mitzvah of Vidui — confessing one’s sins. The custom is to daven Mincha prior to the eating of the Seudah HaMafsekes, the final Seudah before Yom Kippur begins.  Women should also daven Mincha before this meal and should recite the vidui at Mincha. The opinion of the Ramban is that another Vidui should be recited after the meal as well and before Yom Kippur. The Mishna Brurah advises that we be stringent and follow this view.  Men say the Tefilas Zakah , while women could recite an Ashamnu before Yom Kippur. Rav Elyashiv zatzal held that the vidui part of Tfilas Zaka must be said while standing or one does not fulfill the Ramban’s opinion. The table should be covered with a table cloth, just like on Shabbos and on Yom Tov. Yom Tov candles are lit for Yom Kippur just like […]