During Monday night’s Hannity, Fox News host Sean Hannity opened his show with a look at the day’s biggest news stories, including rising tensions in the Middle East and far-left protestors in the U.S.
“We have officially reached another low point — maybe the lowest — from the Biden Administration. Today, disruptive protests broke out all across the country. Far-left-wing, Biden-supporting agitators blocking airport traffic in Chicago. Others caused a massive traffic jam on the Golden Gate Bridge…nothing but a vile nationwide protest against Israel,” Hannity said, highlighting footage of the protesters.
“One day after the world’s only Jewish state is attacked by Iran.”
“Following the attack, Joe Biden’s message to our closest ally in the Middle East: ‘You’re on your own.’ … ‘And we won’t support you if you defend yourself and fight back.’”
“This all happened during a call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Biden reportedly urging Israel not to fight back emphasizing that the U.S. would not participate in a response against the number one state sponsor of terror,” Hannity said.
“The contents of that call were then leaked to the press likely by the Biden White House. So, you have to ask, why is Joe Biden so openly hostile to one of America’s closest allies as it is fighting for its very existence and its very survival?” Hannity asks his audience.
“The answer is very sad and very pathetic.”
Watch Hannity’s analysis above.
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