As the Orthodox Jewish population in Jackson continues to grow, Jackson children have been attending yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs in nearby Lakewood. Though the bulk of nonpublic school funding comes from parental tuition, federal and state agencies send funding to the local school district board to help obtain security, nurses, technology equipment, textbooks- and most importantly evaluation and tutoring services for students in nonpublic schools. Ever since a significant number of Jackson children started attending Lakewood yeshivos, Jackson Township has flatly refused to contract with the existing vendors servicing Lakewood yeshivos to provide these vital services. Since the Jackson students were in the same classes as Lakewood students, not being able to use their existing vendor prevented these students from receiving funding for their services. The situation started to became untenable as the Jackson student population in Lakewood yeshivos grew to the point that the schools were no longer able to absorb the costs of providing these services without passing on additional charges to the parents. To remedy the situation, the Agudah’s New Jersey office engaged in intense advocacy, urging the Jackson Board of Education to contract with Lakewood vendors, so that all students can get the services they need and deserve. “Our office worked hand in hand with the Lakewood yeshivos, with one important goal in mind, getting our children these services” said Rabbi Avi Schnall, director of Agudath Israel’s New Jersey office. “We are extremely happy to report that our efforts were successful, and the Jackson board of education has entered agreements with Lakewood vendors.” Agudath Israel extends its gratitude to Mr. Tzvi Herman, Board of Education Member, Jackson Township, for all of the hard work and effort he put into making this possible. His commitment to ensuring that all children are able to receive the services they need was a crucial part in making this happen.
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