A survey conducted by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in seven countries with significant Jewish populations has uncovered a disturbing trend: nearly 40% of respondents harbor antisemitic beliefs. The poll, which surveyed individuals in the US, France, Germany, Argentina, the UK, Canada, and Australia, presented participants with 10 statements perpetuating harmful stereotypes about Jews, including claims of disloyalty, excessive power, and responsibility for global conflicts. The results are alarming: – 56% of respondents across all countries agreed that Jews are more loyal to Israel than their country of residence. – 23% of Argentinians, 21% of Australians, 19% of Americans, and 17% of French and Germans believe Jews are responsible for most global wars – a significant increase from previous years. – A majority in every country surveyed (ranging from 53% in the US to 71% in the UK) believe Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)